Beiträge von Kirthos

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    Is there a way you could get more than 5 wood pulp with the clean up skill? I imagine there is no way to actually get the full amount for all of the ones you clean up, perhaps turn up the amount you get from the one swing, with the skill?

    Not sure to understand what you say.
    You pick up all the wood pulp you destroy.

    I use the same file in the 2 mods and forget that can be a problem if you install the 2 mod simultaneously.
    I will push a update for the 2 mods to fix that.

    Kirthos submitted a new resource:

    [plain]BetterLoggingProfession[/plain] - [plain]New skills in logging profession[/plain]

    Kirthos submitted a new resource:

    [plain]BetterMining[/plain] - [plain]More skills in mining profession[/plain]

    Read more about this resource...