Beiträge von NeO_Anderson

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    okay so I tried the version that was released after the STEAM ID / ENTITY ID was released and my client just crashed when typing /sethome. I will try this 7.3.0 version now that i have a 7.3.0 server and we wills ee what happens, honestly though, if its still got issues im going to have to look at making my own instead or switching to another mod instead. I like the simplistic ness of this one more than others ive seen, a simple /sethome and a simple /home. However that is pointless if its riddled with bugs and problems =s So , lets give it another go!

    Okay so this was fixed after I downloaded it then, okay great. I'll try the new update.

    PS: I'm not sure what the bit about confusing home and warp commands were but I assure you, they're two entirely different commands each having totally different characters than the other so no, I did not confuse warp and home. If you're saying this because I mentioned /sethome <name> then yes, I wasn't sure exactly how your plugin worked and when doing /sethome on its own, it would say the home was set, but then in the file there is just coordinates by the looks of it. So I assumed I needed to (like the claystk mods) add a name for the home, such as /sethome MainBase for example. Again, no mention of "MainBase" in the file other than coordinates. So it seeems my first theory/understanding si correct, that you do not need to specify names with your plugin it is just literally /sethome and it is associated witht he player. I just couldn't see anything in that file that related to me specfically but I assume this is now fixed as you say. :)

    Fresh installation, I get a crash using Eco 7.2.4. It first said something about a file name 'homes.txt' along with the path, so i manually created the path and empty file. This allowed the /sethome <name> to not have any issues and writes to the homes.txt file.. Howwever, /home-list says no homes. and /home <name>. The contents of the homes.txt is:

    3377, 245.2061, 45.52999, 964.2397
    3407, 243.8512, 45.52999, 964.5951

    I see no mention of the name I provided so I guess this plugin is broken :S