Beiträge von lavayar

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As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    More power to world leader!

    I would like to see claim under Word's leader ownership (not his personal) which will be Property of the state

    This must be provided by adding new World's leader land claim stake which can be used only by current world leader (crafted on Workbench)

    Number of claims is unlimited and does not require land claim papers.

    The point is to make more flexible instrument for planning roads, public buildings and other public stuff (I know that it can be done through Voting and Districts but it's not so flexible and obvious. Drawing district for road on minimap is nightmare and in the end you get it not where you want it).

    What bothers me is that such meta entity as "World leader" can have claims.