Beiträge von nid

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    nid hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    30. April 2022 um 00:09

    * (RC.4) Module output filename updated to match namespace.

    * (RC.3) Fixed issue causing format exception on some specific locale settings.

    * Timed messages module migrated to use new INidSchedulable and INidTickable and will integrate with Timed Commands module planned for the future.

    * Module updated to Eco 9.5.0

    * REQUIRES: EM-Framework 3.2.0-RC.3 or higher.

    nid hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    30. April 2022 um 00:01

    * (RC.2) Module output filename updated to match namespace.

    * Module updated to Eco 9.5.0

    * REQUIRES: EM-Framework 3.2.0-RC.3 or higher.

    nid added a new version:

    9. Januar 2022 um 18:38
    • Added: option to hide tag for specified user.
    • Added command: /tag-hideOnUser - hides chat tag on specified user.
    • Added commnad: /tag-unHideOnUser - shows previously hidden tag on specified user.

    nid hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    9. Januar 2022 um 18:38
    • Added: option to hide tag for specified user.
    • Added command: /tag-hideOnUser - hides chat tag on specified user.
    • Added commnad: /tag-unHideOnUser - shows previously hidden tag on specified user.

    nid added a new version:

    20. Dezember 2021 um 00:08

    Version 1.1.5

    • Fixed an issue with vanilla chat logger not saving chat messages to the file, when used with conjunction with nid-chattag module. Many thanks to Dennis for reporting.

    nid hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    20. Dezember 2021 um 00:08

    Version 1.1.5

    • Fixed an issue with vanilla chat logger not saving chat messages to the file, when used with conjunction with nid-chattag module. Many thanks to Dennis for reporting.

    nid added a new version:

    7. September 2021 um 07:50
    • Improved scheduled messages triggering system.
    • Fixed scheduled message "Next trigger in ..." message to show proper remaining time in console and log.
    • Added option to enable and disable logging to log file.
    • Added option to enable and disable reporting in console.

    nid hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    7. September 2021 um 07:50
    • Improved scheduled messages triggering system.
    • Fixed scheduled message "Next trigger in ..." message to show proper remaining time in console and log.
    • Added option to enable and disable logging to log file.
    • Added option to enable and disable reporting in console.

    nid added a new version:

    4. September 2021 um 07:03

    Version 1.1.4

    • Added option to show roles in user tooltips.
    • Added ShowInTooltip and SizeInTooltip chat tag properties. Added /tag-tooltip command, allowing for new chat tag properties modification. Added new chat tag properties to /tag-config command.
    • Added /tag-tooltip command, allowing for new chat tag properties modification.
    • Added new chat tag properties to /tag-config command.
    • Compatibility patch with EM Framework 3.1.0
    • Requires EM Framework 3.1.0

    nid hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    4. September 2021 um 07:03

    Version 1.1.4

    • Added option to show roles in user tooltips.
    • Added ShowInTooltip and SizeInTooltip chat tag properties. Added /tag-tooltip command, allowing for new chat tag properties modification. Added new chat tag properties to /tag-config command.
    • Added /tag-tooltip command, allowing for new chat tag properties modification.
    • Added new chat tag properties to /tag-config command.
    • Compatibility patch with EM Framework 3.1.0
    • Requires EM Framework 3.1.0