Beiträge von YoShIWoZ

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    The update for the mod take time. Most of the model broke and I don't really have many contact with the one that made them for me.
    And with the new skill system I need to rewrite good part of the mod.
    And I really don't have lot of time to work on it. I hope to have a stable version at the end of the next week but can't promise.

    I am a programmer myself, so i very well know it takes times, especially hobbies. I just wanted to make sure that you hadn't abandoned the project! Can't wait! :)

    It's running without issues on my server now. but you have to very careful when you delete currencies. Because if you delete a currency that is in use. It will bug out.
    Can't you make your mod change currency in use to a currency that has not been deleted? Then it'll have to be up to people themselves to change it. :)
    Also, perhaps your mod should generate a currency if none exists? maybe make a toggle, so your can turn that feature on/off.
    I don't know why you wouldn't want a currency. :)

    Mate, if you mint a currency WHILE this mod is installed. the server file will get corrupted and crash every time you start the server. It will even happen as well if you remove some currencies etc. It's very unstable. And it can literally kill your server. First time this happened we had to roll back 5 hours. didn't know what caused it.

    Edit: You need to remove everything that has to do with a currency you remove. If a shop is using the currency you remove. Your save file will get corrupted. :)