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Posts by Tedox
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
You can also find items you want to change and edit like this:
Display More[Serialized] [MaxStackSize(100)] <<--- HERE (before 20, now 100) [Weight(2000)] [Currency] [ItemTier(2)] public partial class IronPipeItem : BlockItem<IronPipeBlock> { public override LocString DisplayName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Iron Pipe"); } } public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("A pipe for transporting liquids."); } } }
I suggest you to open the Mods folder with an advanced text editor (like Notepad++, VS Code, Atom) and to search in all files "[MaxStackSize(5 or 10 or 20)]"
So you can easily edit all your items
Tedox hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:
TedoxJune 22, 2020 at 6:04 PM Quote -
edr updated [plain]Ny'Electrics[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain][Update] v1.1 - Blast Furnace + Cement Kiln[/plain]
QuoteHi everyone !
v1.1 released with the Cement Kiln, and a new recipe configurator on
Enjoy your day!
Tedox hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:
TedoxMarch 4, 2022 at 12:28 PM Quote