Posts by Tiredman72

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    a 7.7.2 server with ONE mod... Carry more 2x. didn't work.
    please update or tell me what to do to fix this...
    I have a back-up of Autogen foler.

    error log:

    "ServerCrash TargetInvocationException 10262907.ecodmp"

    --BEGIN DUMP--
    Dump Time
    10/26/2018 10:29:07

    Exception: Exception
    Message:Error in IronAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.IronAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)
    Error in ModernAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.ModernAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)
    Error in SteelAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SteelAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)
    Error in StoneAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.StoneAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)


    System.Exception: Error in IronAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.IronAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)
    Error in ModernAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.ModernAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)
    Error in SteelAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.SteelAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)
    Error in StoneAxe at 47: 'Eco.Mods.TechTree.StoneAxeItem.Damage': type must be 'Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues.IDynamicValue' to match overridden member 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.WeaponItem.Damage' (CS1715)

    at Eco.ModKit.RuntimeCompiler.HandleCompilerError(CompilerResults results)
    at Eco.ModKit.RuntimeCompiler.LoadOrCompileMods()
    at Eco.ModKit.ModKitPlugin..ctor(ManualResetEvent doneEvent)

    --END DUMP--