Beiträge von Gabriel89_GR

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Gabriel89_GR added a new version:

    12. Juli 2021 um 01:29

    ADDED: Support of command line. You can now excecute the app with arguments using command line. For more information, read the README file of the zip, or the content of at the end of Mod's description. (suggested by Shady_Warrior)

    ADDED: When you save your settings, now the "apply" options are saving too.

    ADDED: When you load your settings, now the "apply" options are loading too. Applicable only for files saved by the version of 5.4

    Gabriel89_GR hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    12. Juli 2021 um 01:29

    ADDED: Support of command line. You can now excecute the app with arguments using command line. For more information, read the README file of the zip, or the content of at the end of Mod's description. (suggested by Shady_Warrior)

    ADDED: When you save your settings, now the "apply" options are saving too.

    ADDED: When you load your settings, now the "apply" options are loading too. Applicable only for files saved by the version of 5.4

    Gabriel89_GR added a new version:

    28. April 2021 um 23:27

    FIXED: The patch check, when the app wasn't able to verify a path it the server was installed to a totally different path. (found by Shady_Warrior)
    FIXED: The Big Shovel Alternative compatibility with the server version 9.3.3 (thanks to the valuable help of Shady_Warrior and bep17)

    Gabriel89_GR hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    28. April 2021 um 23:27

    FIXED: The patch check, when the app wasn't able to verify a path it the server was installed to a totally different path. (found by Shady_Warrior)
    FIXED: The Big Shovel Alternative compatibility with the server version 9.3.3 (thanks to the valuable help of Shady_Warrior and bep17)

    Gabriel89_GR added a new file:

    17. November 2021 um 23:42

    Gabriel89_GR hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:

    17. November 2021 um 23:42