Gabriel89_GR added a new version:
ESEC (Eco Server Extra Configuration) 7.0
FIXED: Compatibility with Other Mods. Now, if you use for example the Colored Vehicles mods and you apply changes on Vehicles, the mod's vehicles will be changed too. (found by Loeffel)
MODIFY: New food items created by the Food Maker, now have the ending ".my.", in order to find them easier. (suggested by zroc)
ADDED: The button "My Food", under the Food Maker Tab. By this option, you can delete food you made and you…
QuoteDisplay MoreFIXED: Not loading the Eco Server Path from the saved settings. (found by zroc)
FIXED: Compatibility with Other Mods. Now, if you use for example the Colored Vehicles mods and you apply changes on Vehicles, the mod's vehicles will be changed too. (found by Loeffel)
MODIFY: New food items created by the Food Maker, now have the ending ".my.", in order to find them easier. (suggested by zroc)
ADDED: The button "My Food", under the Food Maker Tab. By this option, you can delete food you made and you don't want to eat any more. (suggested by zroc)
ADDED: The ability to change Clothes Perks and give something more special to your players. (suggested by zroc)
ADDED: The ability to Auto Destroy Tree Stumps (Mining Tab)
ADDED: The ability to auto Destroy Derbis (Mining Tab)
ADDED: The ability to pickup entire Tree without slice it into smaller pieces. (Mining Tab)
ADDED: Option to make Milk a craftable item (Main Settings Tab). When this is is enabled, then you can craft Milk using the Iron Stove. Requires Cooking Skills level 7.
ADDED: The ability to change between Tabs with PgUp/PgDown
CHANGED: The option "Max Tree Debris" moved under the Mining Tab.
The recipes Dry Tailings, Wet Tailings, Tailing Neutralizer, Compost Block and Clay Block are now moved into the UserCode folder.
In case you already use these recipes, before you copy the folder, delete them first fromt the folder "...\__core__\AutoGen\Blocks" AND from the folder "...\UserCode\AutoGen\Blocks".
Otherwise, the server will crash with a "duplicate file" error message.