That is a good idea. I'm thinking of adding in a few others that I've been working with to make the carts a little better but also want to keep with the games idea of each table have different efficiency.
Posts by 10K
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10K updated [plain]Cart MiniMap Icon[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Removing unnecessary files and organizing[/plain]
QuoteThis update is intended to help organize all my mods.
If updating please remove original files first. -
10K submitted a new resource:
[plain]UseFul Carts[/plain] - [plain]Lets you craft stone in the small wood cart, wood cart, steam truck, PoweredCart and Truck.[/plain]
QuoteAre you tired of loading up your cart with Limestone, Granite, Gneiss, Basalt, Shale, or Sandstone just to take it to your workbench to make stone? I have the Answer for you. This Mod will allow you to craft stone in the small wood cart, wood cart, steam truck, PoweredCart and Truck.
Is it a better way than using this: ?
The calculator is great for budgeting. I've tested every combo to get the highest nutrition which gives the most amount of xp. -
Hello everyone,
I'd like to start off by thanking you for reading this guide. I've done so much testing to try to get the most accurate information I could.
So let's jump right into it. The first thing I want to go over is how eating works. Every food has a value for Carbs, Fat, Protein, Vitamins, and Calories. With these values the player is to balance Carbs, Fat, Protein, and Vitamins while staying within 3000 Calories. Seems easy enough until we look at all the values. This image below will show all the food with their values in alphabetical order.
At first glance it looks very hard to understand. So I'd like to show you the best way of looking at the food. Now it Will be sorted by Total Nutrition value. The Total Nutrition value is the first important thing to look at.
Now seeing the total nutrition in order its easier to see the true value of the food. The higher the total value the more points you will receive. The total nutrition does not stack even if you eat multiple of the same item. While eating the highest amount of nutrition you also have to try to stay balanced. This is where things become a lot more complicated. I don't want to give everything away but i will say some times you its best to not fill all 3000 calories so you can have a better balance. Last but not least I have broken down each cooking skill so its easier to see what is best to eat per skill.
Spoiler Alert: If you want to know the best food to eat instead of me leaving the balancing a mystery look at BestFoodToEat.
10K updated [plain]Cart MiniMap[/plain] with a new update entry:
QuoteThis Mod activates the map icon for the WoodCart, SmallWoodCart, HandPlough, PoweredCart, SteamTruck, Truck, and Wheelbarrow.
Now with easy uninstall. I made changes and now have a 10K'sMod fold that will be in Eco/Mods and can be deleted for uninstalling. No more replacing files.
10K submitted a new resource:
[plain]Cart MiniMap[/plain] - [plain]Adds a mini map icon for the SmallWoodenCart and WoodenCart[/plain]
QuoteHaving issues finding your carts? Now you can just look at the mini map.
Forgive me if you do not agree with this mod. I do understand that Eco is going towards education but at the same time I also understand that mods are add-ons that do not always get downloaded and used.
10K updated [plain]10K's All Carts and Excavator Fix[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]10K's All Carts and Exavator Fix[/plain]
QuoteThis mod has 3 folders CartKiller, CartPropertyAuthority, and CartStock.
Tested up to 7.3.2 -
10K submitted a new resource:
[plain]Authority QuickFix[/plain] - [plain]Changes public to Inherited on IceBox, Refrigerator, BookShelf, ShelfCabinets, and FishTrap[/plain]
QuoteWhile we patiently wait for the developers to fix the authority on the IceBox, BookShelf, ShelfCabinet, Refigerator, and FishTraps, I've made the changes for them. These .cs files are to replace the originals. Now when you Place these items the will automatically be set in Inherited mode.
10K updated [plain]Permission To Shoot.[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Permissions To Shoot[/plain]
QuoteUpdated to work with 7.3
This mod replaces the BowItem in Mods/ToolsPermissions To Shoot allows you to shoot other players.
Cart mod does not work on new versions. I'm working on an update. -
All objects xyz position needs to be set to 0 either bigchest is not at 0,0,0 or woodenchest is not at 0,0,0
Pending release.....I can give access to shooting animals on any propertyclaim but if it dies on someone's property you won't be able to pick up the carcass.
I am still working on the carcass but can release this half if enough people want it.
I'm working on hunting permissions to hunt anywhere.
10K updated [plain]10K's All Carts and Excavator Fix[/plain] with a new update entry:
QuoteThis version has 4 folders
CartFix -adds a minimap and changes standaloneauthourity to propertyauthority
CartKiller - adds a minimap marker and removes all authority. Great for cleaning
Immersive Cart Values - has both Cartfix and CartKiller but with Immersive speed and storage values.
StockCarts - StockCarts for those who like the stock carts but want to use the
CartKiller to Cleanup all carts. -
10K updated [plain]Permission To Shoot.[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Permission To Shoot[/plain]
QuoteThis has been tested on 7.2.3 and works well.
The .cs can go anywhere in mods. I like to keep their organization and do recipes in recipes. You will also notice some .cs will have object item and recipe in the same file.
I agree with you there.