Beiträge von Wise

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Вместо «Использовать» лучше чтоб было «Оплатить», во время оплаты за проезд, когда нажимаешь на шлагбаум

    Instead of "Use" it is better to "Pay", at the time of payment for the fare, when you click on the barrier

    I can't change this

    Ich habe gerade diesen Mod installiert und in allen möglichen Fällen (frag mich) nach Werkbänken gesucht. aber glaube nicht. Kannst du mir bitte sagen, in welcher Werkbank du sie findest?

    Sensor Barrier is crafting at Machinist Table
    Sensor Street Lamp
    is crafting at Assembly Line
    Sensor Chip
    is crafting at Electronics Assembly

    Wise updated [plain]Wise Mods - Sensor Items[/plain] with a new update entry:

    [plain]Added Parking mode for Barrier[/plain]

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    Можно сделать платное открытие за определённые кредиты? Чтоб он открылся после оплаты

    Can I make a paid opening? To open it after payment.

    Good idea, i will think about it

    I already using the great mod called "Street Ramp Mod"
    How should I use this mod with the Street Ramp Mod that I had already used?

    I have no idea what is the mod you are using, can you provide a link?

    Можно сделать платное открытие за определённые кредиты? Чтоб он открылся после оплаты

    Can I make a paid opening? To open it after payment.

    Хорошая идея, я подумаю над этим

    Wise hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:

    Wise submitted a new resource:

    [plain]WiseMod - Sensor Items[/plain] - [plain]a couple of items with sensor[/plain]

    Read more about this resource...

    Recently i faced with some problem:

    When i go far away my custom objects become floating:

    But when i come closer they look fine:

    Could anyone help me to figure out this problem and how to fix it?

    P.S. At the unity scene i adjusted bottom side of my object with parent game object's cube

    Would be great to have the following features in pipes:
    - in\out connector type
    - priority feature for connector
    - possibility to connect pipes for bottom of chests\stockpiles
    - maybe increase base speed (1 item/sec is good for wooden pipes, but too slow for electric)
    - multistorage connector (when i put 2 chests and connector between i expect it will connect to both chests)
    - is it possible to read filter data from storage text instead of pipe's one?