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    And I didn't say anything about it having DRM, I have a lot of SP/MP games that use DRM and most don't need internet to play SP, the ones that do, only require you to sign in every 15 - 30 days to verify your game and they tell you that upfront. If the game CAN'T be played offline, then it should state that it must have an internet connection to play single player, and not stating that implies that it is like almost every other game, Single player = No internet required. Not stating that it needs internet even to play SP is a cheap and low down trick to sell copies to people who would otherwise not purchase the game.

    I don't really want to argue about it, the game isn't bad, I just don't like being mislead about what I'm buying.

    well, that sucks. I wish the game had been listed as being "Online only" instead of saying it had "Local Single player", but if they had stated the game was online only I would not have purchased it, that's the Idea behind not stating that I guess.

    Thanks for the reply.