Beiträge von Ciaran

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    Just any kind of seed or tree sadly, nothing specific when it comes to that, every tree does it for some reason.
    For what I'm doing, I just went ahead made a let's say 20x20 space of dirt or grass and set a tree right in the middle of that field, made a few farms for tomatoes, corn etc at the edge of said 20x20 space. After like 1-5 Minutes a few trees start to grow without me planting anything but that 1 tree in the middle, after a day (we shortend the tree growth time to 1 1/2 days per tree) all of that space and even the space hoed for plants will be occupied by trees.

    Hey, is it possible that planting a tree on spawned dirt produces a bug that let's trees instantly regrow? Setup a server with WorldEdit on it and as soon as a plant a tree on //set dirt it instantly spawn around 7 new ones which also grow into hoed dirt meaning into farms etc :/ Is there any way to fix that?