Beiträge von Denaton

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    The mod is currently for 7.6.3, when 7.7.x is more stable i will update it.


    Sorry for long wait, been busy with life, will check into it again, hard to troubleshoot when its a multiplayer item XD If you want i could join in to the server and look at it there? If the problem still happens.

    Hi, i don't get it to work. I get a white box when ever i make this. I should be placed in objects?

    Are you sure you added all the files (Total of 2) in the modfile, the unity3d file is where the model is at and it seems like you are missing it, what version of the game are you running?

    Denaton submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Toll Gate[/plain] - [plain]Adds a Toll gates so you can take cash from those who use your roads.[/plain]


    With this object your road builders can get paid for their hard labor. Privatize the road and put Toll Gates everywhere.

    The Toll Gate is 7x1 Block in width and require 6 blocks free space above it to be open. The pole is 6x1, making it for 6 blocks width roads (even tho it can be used for smaller roads).

    The Toll Gate is required to be on claimed land in order to collect money.

    New Recipe in Assembly Table...

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    Denaton submitted a new resource:

    [plain]DMod Board Storage Recipies (Vanilla Storage)[/plain] - [plain]Vanilla Storage in Woodworking Skill.[/plain]


    Since the main game removed efficiency and speed on Chest and Stockpiles recipe i added them back in, but in Carpenter table instead.
    They cost boards instead but raw materials from logs its the same.

    They use the Woodworking Skill.

    Now you don't have to deforest the whole planet just to get some storage.

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    Denaton submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Milling Ore[/plain] - [plain]Alternative early route into getting copper, iron and gold bars with out tailing.[/plain]

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