Beiträge von Mrogers6t

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    Hello EcoMods Team!

    I am Mrogers6t, the owner of Big Little Community, which is the number 1 Eco server right now.

    First, I would like to tell you about BLC. We have worked diligently to grow our community and provide a top of the line Eco experience for every player on the server. We provide a modded experience while still maintaining a vanilla feeling. We have grown into a strong and helpful community. A lot of our members were new players to the game when they first join the server, and our community members have trained them to become top of the line Eco players. We are hoping to stay on top as we push forward into Beta, and we would like EcoMods to join us in this push.

    As you all know, Eco starts off very grindy, but as the game advances, there becomes a point where it is not necessary to be in game 24/7. I would like a second Eco server to do something outside of the box. I want to create a building server, where everyone can come and build at will, whatever they want. I would also like to run it as an event server. Players can actively participate in games and special occasions in-game. This, from my experience, has never been done before on an Eco server, and I think it would be really neat to see how well it does. This could lead to potential mods and different gameplays like many other sandbox games have. With an active community already in place, and a positive future for growth, I think this would be a great opportunity for both EcoMods and Big Little Community.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for running this contest. I truly believe that good people and companies like yourself will keep this game thriving for a long time.

