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I host myself @Spoffy I am not getting any errors it's just no longer online in my discord channel.
Yes it seems it times out for some reason, I restarted the server after a few updates and it's now renabled the bot, maybe
a reconnect option to make just the bot didn't just lose connection to the channel and didn't report it?
Woops I means to say I have now got that problem my bot is saying it's offline I can't get it back online and I can't reset the server
@Spoffy I also have not got a problem where my bot now say's it's offline
Maybe make a option not a full game change
But wood logs is a fuel it should be used as all fuel sources in my view :p
That looks like a good idea to work around the tailing problem we get.
That just confused me more lol but seems ?startDay=# seems to work for me so I will use it like that for now
I got the double to work just adding a ?startDay=#, # means a number so I guessing double means digit/number ?
I am going to be working on a more Launcher UI for this in the coming future, I don't have as I forgot to back it up before moving over to the update, I live streamed this and got lost in the stream and started to make the Launcher version what is able to load the game soon as it's make the player.eco changers, I don't know how steam loads the game and since steam uses custom launcher icons I don't know how to launcher the game via steam, so the lanucher at this time wont be able to support steam.
It will still work with steam to create player.eco files but part from that it wouldn't launch the game, as launching a steam version of the game outside of steam would still open the slg version of the login, there for meaning the player wouldn't be able to login.
What do you mean by double in your api list ? and the test button seems not to work for me or just yet anyway
I think what he means is you take another items you can make copy it and change it to make the PropertyClaimStake I think
Rexzooly submitted a new resource:
[plain]EcoConnect[/plain] - [plain]Add your server to Continue play without ever playing it or adding it via the server list[/plain]
This is the Alpha version of my new Eco Launcher coming soon, this little tool at the moment will take your url + web portal port and create the continue option in the Eco menu, without ever needing to of played that server before or adding as part of your fav list in the server list.
This version as a basic help section, it has domain to IP converter, it also has a web portal viewer to check that you have it it right.
Want to send someone the string of the player.eco just right click the...
Read more about this resource...
I do have dev tier but I am still awaiting for it to be added so they say it's manually added but it's been a while might email them.
Ya I can see it been a little problem maybe them added a token in the control panel so then we can still access it with a url without logging in but have it still private.
I woud love to see a full api list to see what we have to play with, sadly I might have to try block the chat option as my users don't like it but if it was for viewing of admins only it would be epic.
How did you end up finding that gem
This will return the chat for the username only, unless /chat that returns everything including login and status of items what are printed in chat this only returns chat messages from what I can see.
Epic win, that will be great to see keep on modding
Is there a full list of items and how to refur to them yet?
Any chance getting a list of things it changes and some basic links you created with this mod, it reads bug but it's a change one step two far for my members until we can show them if it's worth the change, been a admin is one thing but keeping players happy is another