Beiträge von Kye

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Kye added a new version:

    21. August 2021 um 10:12

    Fixed: A bug where picking up 1 block would force the game to change the selected tool not allowing the big shovel to be used properly

    Kye hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    21. August 2021 um 10:12

    Fixed: A bug where picking up 1 block would force the game to change the selected tool not allowing the big shovel to be used properly

    Kye added a new version:

    21. August 2021 um 10:12

    Fixed: A bug where picking up 1 block would force the game to change the selected tool not allowing the big shovel to be used properly

    Kye hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    21. August 2021 um 10:12

    Fixed: A bug where picking up 1 block would force the game to change the selected tool not allowing the big shovel to be used properly

    Kye added a new version:

    21. August 2021 um 06:22

    Kye hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    21. August 2021 um 06:22

    Kye added a new version:

    21. August 2021 um 06:21

    Kye hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:

    21. August 2021 um 06:21