Beiträge von bashSudo

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    try to use my code and paste parameters to "" and save, restart

    Ah, thank you! Worked like a charm. I wasn't sure just copying the code would work, since it seemed to be missing, well, everything. I'm up and running now. Thanks a ton, GDragon! in config folder.

    I see the file--but in my file, I only have the following variables, nothing else:
    "$id": "1",
    "PlayerConfigs": [],
    "ChannelLinks": [],
    "Debug": false

    you create bot token, using discordapp bot creation.

    My problem is that I'm unable to find in the configuration files on my server WHERE to put the BotToken in for the mod to work. I have the Discord bot setup and I have the token, but I need to tell the mod the token in a config file, and I can't find it.

    Has anyone managed to get this working on a PingPerfect server? They have an older version listed in their little "Easy install" mod list but I have no clue where to find the config for the BotToken. I've tried with the "listed" version from PingPerfect and also the with the latest version which I uploaded to the server and put in a ticket to have the DLLs extracted properly. Still no luck. Any ideas, if it's even possible? Don't know why they would list it otherwise!