Hello guys,
anyone can tell me the path to stop server function. please?
PapaHarni ( aka Bl4ckSkull666 )
Hello guys,
anyone can tell me the path to stop server function. please?
PapaHarni ( aka Bl4ckSkull666 )
with this mod you can remove skillpoints from a user https://forum.play.eco/resources/jdcommandsmod.127/
and you can give with /skillpoints ammount have fun
No Sry i mean via Code
If you want to add or remove skillpoint by code you can use [ICODE]User.useXp(value)[/ICODE]
If value is negative that give skillpoint.
1 XP = 1 skillpoint.
You can give half a skillpoint with value = 0.5;
Ah ok the Xp value is used for SkillPoints. Great to know. Thank you.
Hey all,
how i can add and/or remove the Skillpoints on a User/Player?
Okay but the plugin will check the user until he/she is online and has place in the back in this 24 hour?
Like :
if(player.isOnline()) {
if(player.getBackpack().Size() < player.getBackpack().maxSize()) {
setPlayerHasTakeItemForVote(player); //Mark player for take the reward for vote.
Sry that i ask that all but in your description is only talk that the player must be online on vote to get reward
k, yes it's an bit older. From version 0.7.3 or 0.7.4 but it's okay. With WE it was fast rebuild in four times bigger
Hey hey, whats happend if a player not online on vote? He get it later? Or whats happend when the inventory is full?
Is there a way to add Currency rewards too?
Which issue u mean? Wand tool item or Import the file? I have test all schematic files there i have. Thats only 5 files but no one work.
I don't want export anything Only import this one House of the file. But now i have rebuild it and u can trash the schematic file
I will test it when i have finished the build with export and than import.
Thanks 4 the Work
i have an import error too. Same with convert error but other block. ( Image and Schematic file in Attachment. )
Other error follow with the wand item... How i can fix it? ( See Clip here )
So, I recently put this on a server, thought I did everything correctly. Files are in the Mods folder. Server boots fine. I use the //wand command, which populates an icon on my action bar. All that being said, the minute I select the wand I go flying across the map and either crash the client or get stuck in the ground somewhere. It should be noted I'm not actually controlling my avatar either. I know I'm missing something, and can't seem to find a reference to this issue on the forums. So can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
U have updated the server to I have the same problem.
Hey Ho, how i can disable spam in console, i think is only a debug message?!
Running Vote Tick function
Finished Vote Tick function
Hey Ho, u want add //drain by time?