Beiträge von Gabeux

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    Gabeux updated [plain]Glorious Bean Server Modpack[/plain] with a new update entry:

    [plain]GBM Minor Update - Configurable Mods: The Beginning.[/plain]


    Quick update to prepare for 7.4, and also to bring configurable spotlight mods that are configurable via simple config files (BetterMining, BetterLogging, BigShovel), and libraries/APIs/frameworks that either support it or are developing support for it, which will make making configurable mods faster and easier!

    - Added AKirthosCore: API/Library - for Kirthos' Mods, and other mods
    - Added Asphalt Modkit: API/Library - event system for developers
    - Updated BetterMining, BetterLogging...

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    Gabeux submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Glorious Bean Server Modpack[/plain] - [plain]Curated, compatibilized, and tested mods from the whole Eco community![/plain]


    Highlights & Modlist
    Mods include object collections, new recipes for food and objects, new skills for mining/logging/farming, double carry weight, new admin commands, faster vehicles, enables players to reset skills one time, multiple slight changes to vanilla behavior and balance, and more!
    Modlist - Google Drive Spreadsheet

    Author Description
    Hello everyone!

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    Hello Arigas! Yep! It would overwrite their changes to the recipes and requirements (since you also require other items like plasma cartridges and other things IIRC).
    I believe it wouldn't be hard to make them compatible though - you can only apply the differences to the techtree without using Planetary Defense little rebalances - unless AEMOD also changes the techtree (which I'm not sure of).


    Gabeux submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Toutboom's Excavator[/plain] - [plain]Changes to the Excavator for less fuel consumption, faster movement, more storage, more pollution.[/plain]

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    Gabeux submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Builder Specialization[/plain] - [plain]Removes Construction Specializations and moves their Skills into one research Level-0 Specialization[/plain]


    As all humans require shelter and learning how to handle materials before progressing technology further, this mod uses that as a weak excuse to put all construction skills under it. :)
    Removes all Construction Specializations and moves all Construction Skills into one free, research-required specialization - Builder. The skills themselves still have the usual SP costs.

    - All Construction skills is now under one specialization: Builder. Specialization that is...

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    Gabeux submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Planetary Defense[/plain] - [plain]Makes it so Lasers and Computer Lab requires all research to be done before unlocking them.[/plain]

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    Gabeux submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Dirty Money[/plain] - [plain]Simple addition of Dirt, Sand, Beans and Tailings to be used as currency backers[/plain]


    Simple addition of Dirt, Sand, Beans and Tailings to be used as currency backers, for fun reasons!
    Note that deleting Tailings via minting is cheaty and misses Eco core point. Edit \Items\Tailings.cs and delete line 107, "[Currency]", to prevent turning tailings into currency.

    Copy over /Mods and Overwrite all.

    Compatibility Notes:
    Make sure you don't overwrite changes by other mods!
    Mods that change Beans.cs or Tailings.cs would have to be...

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    Gabeux submitted a new resource:

    [plain]Pollute More[/plain] - [plain]Simple flat 15% increase in pollution from Vanilla CO2 emmiters.[/plain]

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    Awesome! Thanks Lara! And I did bump into the issue Kirthos brought up. What I heard is the best practice is to name your scene as your mod name, to prevent conflicts [if 2 mods have the same scene name, one of them won't have their assets loaded].

    Hi Lara!
    Could you post a screenshot of a unity3d file with an icon on it? Or maybe an example Unity Project?
    I'm having a hard time getting info or making custom icons work (even for simple stuff like a new Skill Book).

    Thanks for the tips and happy modding!
    EDIT: Managed to find my way around it, but I wonder if it could help newbs like me! :D

    Hey man , could you maybe make it so hitting it with a hammer doesn't eat the hammer? Had some people naively delete a few items.
    Albeit amuzing and making its way in our lore as a creature of another dimension that probably ate its own dimension, in a modded public server its hard to let everyone know what every mod does. Very cool mod though. Thanks :D