Beiträge von Stephen777

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    Help me Eco team, your my only hope, (Star Wars Fan)

    ___My name is Stephen, 35 years old, medically retired from military due to an injury sustained from an explosion in Afghanistan. I understand hosting a server is similar to an advertisement billboard for the game. If a player locates a server that is fair and solid, they will invite their friends who invites their friends and so on. At one time myself and one other split the cost and rented a server box and hosted servers for games such as 7 days to die, Empyrion and rotated a few others in/out. We was managing 5+ admins at a time while trying to stay up to date with the constant updates rolling out, multiple alpha games at one time is not a vacation by any means. Our main 7 days server was a pvp server and had a constant pop of 20+ while hitting 40+ on weekends and for some reason...Mondays of all days.
    ___What brought us crashing down was 2 of our head admins was roommates. I let the team know I was taking the family on vacation and sadly the other owner had exams. Servers was 1 patch behind for a day a few times and after server wipes we and the community found out our head admins had been playing 2 accounts and helping their friends. This created a toxic environment and our core players started jumping ship, I did not blame them, but without that core pop we faded to hardly nothing and agree'ed to give the players a month notice and shut down the box.
    ___Ok, with the about me portion done, I do apologize for the length but felt it is important and relevant, let me expand on why I would like a free server. My steam account has a 12 year badge and I have seen EA (early access) games succeed and fail. What Eco offers is a smooth minecraft feel but with depth. Your not fighting zombies but in a way fighting each other to keep a balance with mother nature and technology. Offers the chance to have large communities of new friends....and maybe a few enemies. A large portion of games that have failed are the ones who released their game to EA on steam, but was not quite ready. This caused their rating to show as negative which scared some players off. Buying into an EA is the same as buying stock, its risky, its an investment. This game has the potential to go big and I would like to be a part of that beyond just a player.

    Thank you for your time and your consideration,