Beiträge von skiron

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    Thank you for your message =D
    There is not any limit set, so your issue is very weird.
    What I can suggest you is to verify if the auth of the stockpile and connector are all public (There is a bug where sometime the auth cause problem)
    If you still have an issue I invite you to contact me on discord Kirthos#4493 if you can
    if not you can send me your map file in private message on eco-mods.

    I fixed the problem: I had just to restart the game... I wanted to try to set the auth from public to me, but right at the start of the server it worked^^

    Hey ;)

    First: great work!!!!

    But I have a question: is there a maximum distance for two Stockpiles to move objects from one to the other one?

    I have 2 Stockpiles connected with the pipes. On every end of the pipe there's a connector (Input on the stockpile from where the objects should be transported and Output on the stockpile which should get the objects). The pipe length is 74 pipes and nothing happens... If i put a Stockpile closer to the receiving stockpile it works... Do you have any suggestions?

    Thanks !