Beiträge von Doeschl

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    ok...TY! for your work and your help...i will try your way. in steam you can install the sp game.....but isnt sp...i can connect to other servers. and un the tools in steam you can download the eco server. i will tray it again and i will post the results :)

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    ok find the error. i have to create a world without the mod....shut down the server and than copy your files into the mods folder and works! TY!

    i delete the eco server folder...go to steam deinstall....install a here the version v.15 7.1.2 same version as he server...i dont know, what i do wrong. should i create a new world without the mod? and than copy the mod in the right folder and restart the new world?

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    or should i uninstall the gameclient????

    i tried the installation with a new server....steam server installation with a new world... i didnt create a world....without the mod...fresh server...mod in the folder...start...error.

    hi...i got an error.... can you help pls?
    Error in Recycle at 31: Typ 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.SkillBook' ist nicht generisch und kann daher nicht mit Typargumenten verwendet werden. (CS0308)
    Error in Recycle at 38: Typ 'Eco.Gameplay.Items.SkillScroll' ist nicht generisch und kann daher nicht mit Typargumenten verwendet werden. (CS0308)
    Error in LandfillObject at 7: Die using-Direktive für 'Eco.Gameplay.Objects' wurde bereits zuvor in diesem Namespace verwendet. (CS0105)