Beiträge von ExoKruzer

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    We are a small community looking to gather more players to explore the games full potential. We currently run 2 whitelisted Eco servers and 1 Eco test server. Each server is run on its own powerful dedicated server, with 99.9% uptime and no lag in the time we have been running. We wish to provide our players with quality and reliable servers, and will be here for years to come.

    Skill Multiplier: 4x
    SPA: 0.01
    SPC: 0.005
    Server Whitelist: On
    World Creation: April, 10
    Admin: ExoKruzer
    World Size: 300x300
    Difficulty: Low Cooporation (x0.5)
    World Objective: Establish a government and road network. Build fast without damaging the world and destroy the meteor within 14 days.

    Kreytos Three -------In the process of being reset. Should be ready to go before the weekend (April 28)-------
    Skill Multiplier: 1x
    SPA: 0.004
    SPC: 0.0015
    Server Whitelist: On
    World Creation: In Progress
    Admin: ExoKruzer
    World Size: 300x300
    Difficulty: High Cooporation (x1.5)
    World Objective: Reach endgame while slowly building up a village and trading network.

    If you're interested, we welcome you to join our discord for more information.