Posts by Evaning

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    Earth 2.0

    Earth 2.0 is a long-term project that should run as long as possible. Therefore, no wipe / reset is planned. Of course, game updates can still lead to the world no longer being compatible.

    During the time the server is running, we would like to face various challenges over time. Be it too much environmental pollution or later the slowly dwindling resources. Such a long-term project always needs active players. Therefore, we are permanently looking for new players.

    No matter when you join us, there will always be something exciting to do. We have an established government, a unified currency and always an open ear for feedback and criticism. Only together can we grow as a community.


    Server IP

    World Informations
    Collab: Very High
    Size: 160x160 - 2.56 km2
    World Start: 19. August 2022