Beiträge von TrinityRising

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    Name: THE ORG

    Cycle: 5 (starts September 1, 2021)

    Location: USA EDT

    Languages: English

    Description: High collaboration server that is new player friendly. We begin with one (1) skill stars, .75 xp, modified calories, skill scrolls instead of skill books, basic starting infrastructure, government, and currency. We also have research locks on day 3 and day 6 (advanced/modern). We have a modified shovel recipe - NOT Big Shovel, but improved caloric consumption and small increases to carry size.

    Owner: Rood Boog/TrinityRising

    Staff: Anubis

    Whitelist: No

    Connection: (Dedicated server)

    Current Day: Day 1 (starts September 1, 2021)

    Difficulty: High Collaboration

    World Size: 1.17km²

    World Objective: Destroy the meteor AND build a beautiful downtown district. We don't wipe this server immediately after the meteor is destroyed - we continue building until day 30! We reset on or close to the 1st of each month.

    Join the THE ORG Discord Server!
    Check out the THE ORG community on Discord - hang out with 127 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.