Beiträge von hutli

Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.

    We are a friendly and active Eco community who welcomes newcomers as well as seasoned players.

    We use quite a few mods, with some being self-made or revived from older versions of the game. Mods include:

    - Big Shovel

    - Paper Milling Expanded and More Paper Craft (revived)

    - Beekeeping and Disassembly

    - Casino/High Table (revived)

    - Most of Elixir Mods with some balancing changes to food recipes

    All stack sizes and ranges are vanilla except for 10 stack big shovel.

    ECapitalism welcome groups, but do have a maximum of 4 players per group and require corporate registration. Our Corporate laws enables your corporation to focus on specific professions, mastering the production lines and efficiency. These laws has been designed so that large corporations will still be dependent on the work of the rest of the server, making solo players and small groups much more viable. Corporate registration also comes with the perk of getting to design your very own corporate flag/logo which you will exclusively be able to craft!

    ECapitalism was originally a US based server but due to better hosting prices we moved the server to EU. We therefore now have both EU and US players on the server.
