Beiträge von ichi

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    Hey guys, our server "The Shire" is starting again today for our second run, we're offering an unmodded gameplay experience so you can play the game as it was intended to be played, we've got a strong core community which we're looking to add to with this restart and we'd love to have you on our server!

    The map is default size (72x72), with default (medium) collaboration settings and is based in Amsterdam so should hopefully have decent ping whether you're connecting from the USA or EU, and we have an active discord which you can join with plenty of friendly people on -…

    Me "Ichi" and the other admin "Harry" take a very hands off approach to administration, so we won't be using any admin commands or influencing the server at all in any way unless we absolutely have no other choice, as the game can be governed internally.

    So look for our server in the list soon, or connect via IP:

    Name: THE SHIRE - 2ND AGE - New players welcome! - No mods

    Hope to see you all on there! 8)