Beiträge von Dylkln

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    We have a server with a friendly little community willing to grow in size !

    here are our server info:

    Name: Trade Co.

    Location: US East

    Languages: English

    Description: A server meant for Experienced and Beginner players alike! Has a decent amount of mods to add more building variety, and content with the goals to make the player experience more enjoyable. We have players from both US and EU

    Owner: Streblo

    Whitelist: No


    Current Day: Day 2

    Difficulty: High Collaboration

    World Size: 2.07 km²

    World Objective: To build up a community, work together to destroy the meteor, and just enjoy the game.


    Mods installed :

    - Beekeeping

    - Big Shovel

    - Dissassembly

    - Discord Link

    - Elixr modpack

    - Logging Debris Fix

    - Auto Pickup and Lucky Break

    We are looking forward to new people to join us ! :)