use //set air

As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
How do i find supported block types?
seems that Asphalt Road is not a found block type? -
You can use the //distr command to get the block types in your current selection.
For Asphalt Road you can use //set asphaltroad -
mampf updated [plain]WorldEdit[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Readded icon to wand[/plain]
QuoteReadded icon to wand
This is not working with 8.0.6
Throwing this error
[03:30:02] Exception: MissingMethodException
Message:Method not found: 'Eco.Simulation.Agents.Plant Eco.Gameplay.Plants.PlantBlock.get_Plant()'.
Source:EcoWorldEditSystem.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Eco.Simulation.Agents.Plant Eco.Gameplay.Plants.PlantBlock.get_Plant()'.
at Eco.Mods.WorldEdit.WorldEditBlock.CreateNew(Block pBlock, Vector3i pPosition, Nullable`1 pSourcePosition)
at Eco.Mods.WorldEdit.WorldEditCommands.Stack(User user, String pDirectionAndAmount) -
mampf updated [plain]WorldEdit[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Update for 8.0.6[/plain]
QuoteI think there is currently something wrong with plants, but basically the mod is working.
Please test and give feedback!Read the rest of this update entry...
I have tried to make a Lake a little bit bigger so i have dig one edge out...first the water floats in...but then it stops and now i have this hole:Can i use this mod to fill the Hole with Water? i Have tried it with //set Water but it doenst know the Blocktype Water?
I just tested the //set water command with Version 8.0.6
This is working for me fine. In your case you can use //replace air water -
I will try it out...thx
If you have still issues you can write me on discord, too ;)??
mampf#6606 -
i did make "First and Second position set to" right, and how can i delete that region?
//delete or //remove or //delete region?
BTW. amm... CMD it's means command. -
use //set air
Hi @mampf,
are you going to update the mod to 8.1.4?
Did you test it on 8.1.4?
The world edit commands are admin only I am guessing? Is there a way to make some or all of them available to the player without making everyone an admin?
Yes all commands are admin only.
I assume that a player should never use any command, because you can destroy the whole world very easily.
Can you tell me a reason why a player should use world edit?Maybe it would make sense when the player can modify only a specific region. But this is not possible, yet.
@mampf after a few tests it seams to work with 8.1.4
mampf updated [plain]WorldEdit[/plain] with a new update entry:
Quote- fix //set air
it seems that //wand is not working in the newest version
Edit. nevermind im just stupid xD
bitte fixen das es funktioniert danke
So, I tried using this as I'm quite familiar with the Minecraft original of the mod. I'm noticing that the items replaced revert to the 'foundation' block, which makes its usage rather limited. Any way for the mod to remember block type being replaced and/or (in the case of stairs/roofs) orientation?
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