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Thanks for contributing. I see where your math is. However you are looking at inputs not outputs.At level 7, 4 ore goes into 1 washed ore and 1 tailing.
1 washed ore is then turned into 6, almost 7 iron ingots.
4 iron ore is turned into 2 ingots and 1 tailing.
6 ingots and 1 tailing vs 2 ingots and 1 tailing.
You get 3 times as many ingots for each tailing.
It is way more efficient than normal smelting. Perhaps a bit more efficient than it should be.
You have to make larger orders than 1,2,3,4,5,6 to see the benefit of this. Eco does not give you .125 of a tailing or ingot.
Thanks again. I hope that explained it
Awww ! Im so sorry didnt watch the outcoming tbh.. tested it now and 5 washed gave me 21 iron bars so i totaly change my opinion abt the mod.. its great ! sry for being dumb :'D
Edit: Found a little Bug: If u dont have a Stockpile connected to the Washer and collect the washed ore later at it it wont gave ya the Tailings only the Washed ore (i mean its a good bug but yea ;D) happend 2 times and then the bug was gone so .. idk x_x xD