Extending Eco WebAPI (used by the web frontend)

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  • Hey guys,
    I'm pretty new to modding but I'm developing at a professional level since 10 years, So now I want to combine my hobby (eco) and my profession and want to write some mods - or getting started with it.

    Actuall I want to visualize some information about the world via a homepage of my server. As I saw, the webpage of eco is using an "internal" RESTful-API to get the data. Is there any chance to enhance it? Is there a WebAPI behind ist via .NET-Core or something else?

  • @Disane87 If I am not completely wrong, everything important for the web server should be in the corresponding folder of your server (ServerRoot\WebClient\). So it shouldn't be a problem to add additional UI-Elements to the web interface, even though this requires replacing the files manually :confused: (Since there currently are no other mods performing simmilar action, theres nothing to interfere with).
    I can't tell you exactly how the interface between the web UI to the Eco server works, but in any case it should be possible to create your own solution if needed.

    So I don't really see what should prevent you from doing so (Even better, if you already have advanced development experience (y)), but it definitely sounds like an interesting project to me ;)
    Good luck

  • @Kronox Thank you for your detailed feedback and thoughts about this. As I profiled the traffic between webUI and server, there is a „public“ rest api which feeds the webUI with data and is the bridge between the entire law system and the server.

    I think it could be possible too, but I don‘t feel very comfortable with replacing files manually. I guess there could be a better solution for hooking into this process. But your assumptions pushed me into the right direction I think.

    The intension of the project is to have a game database on my own homepage for the server runs to run some fancy statistics stuff and so on.

    I‘ll keep you in touch with the project :P

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