Due to human (non-bot) spam the first contribution of a user has to be reviewed and activated manually, all further contributions do not require this.
As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
  • Hello Community!

    • [JUMPTO="about"]About the Trusted Dev Program[/JUMPTO]
    • [JUMPTO="howto"]How to become a "Trusted Dev"[/JUMPTO]
    • [JUMPTO="info"]Information[/JUMPTO]


    [JUMPTOGOAL="about"]About the Trusted Dev Program[/JUMPTOGOAL]

    Today we've added a new feature to eco-mods.com that adds a new user group called "Trusted Dev". This new user group has the permission to add new mods as well as updates without approval to the resources, we call this the "Trusted Dev Program".

    Since the beginning of our website, we've met a lot of Mod Developers creating great mods and content for the whole Eco Community to enjoy, and some of those Developers have literally branded their names into the term "Eco Mod" or "Eco Modding" with their efforts. Even though it sounds kind of childish, but imagining a world without those mod developers and their mods, wouldn't be possible anymore.

    That's why we're giving out the special "Trusted Dev" user group to certain Mod Developers who have proven, not just by the amount of resources or downloads they've gained, but by being a true, trustworthy part of the community that we've personally talked to or are even in contact with. Like stated above, as a "Trusted Dev" you'll be able to submit mods and updates without having us to approve them.


    [JUMPTOGOAL="howto"]How to become a "Trusted Dev"[/JUMPTOGOAL]

    The user group will be given out manually to Mod Developers who we, and also the existing Trusted Devs think that someone has deserved it. Anybody has the chance to get this user group by simply being a great and trustworthy Mod Developer who's an active part of the community. The amount of downloads or resources isn't that important, it's about quality, and again about being just a great part of our community.

    Once becoming a Trusted Dev, you'll also get a fancy new badge and name color. :)
     [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/ixluZu5.png]



    Even though Trusted Devs are now able to submit mods without approval, we're still going to review them and make sure they're clean and safe for everyone to use.

Participate now!

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