Kirthos mods - Thread about idea and WIP of my differents mods

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  • Hello everyone :).

    I do this thread because I wanted somewhere a way to communicate with players that use and play with my mods.
    This thread will be a place to discuss idea about what to add on my different mods.
    If anyone have an idea to add on my mods we can discuss it here with other player.
    Please don't make request for news mods. You have the mod wishlist post for that. (I read every message on the mod wishlist post ;))

    I will use this first message to ask on what you want me to work on.
    I've actually start to have many mod and lot of idea with many mods but I don't have time to work on all the mod at the same time.
    So on what I can work ? I will let you decide :) (This is a small list but I'm sure you can fill it with your different idea)
    Big Shovel - Try adding a shovel model for the different tools.
    Color Cube - A new mods I'm working on it's nearly finish but I have some little thing to finish before release it. (I keep you the surprise on what consist the mod)
    Transport Pipe - The 1.3.0 update. I already start working a lot on the update and it will add a lot, lot of very cool things. (This update will still need a lot of time.)
    Write me what you will prefer ;)
    I want to work on everything and so I don't know on what to work o_O

    If you want to have some info on what coming in transport Pipe or what is this color cube mod, if you ask maybe I will give you some clues :p

    I really hope player will come and interact with me on this thread :D
    If player want to help me to make my mods by testing dev build or trying to do some icon or model you can send me a PM ;)

  • Huhu Kirthos,

    thx a million for asking us.

    I loved the complete glourious bean pack and all the things that were included.

    Color cube sounds great! But also models for Big shovel mod would be great too...
    We tried your mod on Server 7.5.0 and it just crashed, maybe you can first work on this issue.
    We also can help with beta testing.

    best regards
    Ava & Leman

  • Hey Ava & Leman,

    I'm trying my best to work with Gabeux to make the Glourious Bean Pack.
    We already start working on the new version of the pack compatible with the 7.5.1.

    We tried your mod on Server 7.5.0 and it just crashed, maybe you can first work on this issue.

    All my mods except Better Farming and Active craft are updated and tested on 7.5.1 and work fine. If you are still on 7.5.0 I advice you to update to 7.5.1 because there is a fix about modding.

    We also can help with beta testing.

    Thanks a lot if I have a new devbuild that need test, I will think about you. The best you can do is to send me a PM on discord (I'm more active and I like a lot discord)

  • Would be great to have the following features in pipes:
    - in\out connector type
    - priority feature for connector
    - possibility to connect pipes for bottom of chests\stockpiles
    - maybe increase base speed (1 item/sec is good for wooden pipes, but too slow for electric)
    - multistorage connector (when i put 2 chests and connector between i expect it will connect to both chests)
    - is it possible to read filter data from storage text instead of pipe's one?

  • Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
    I will respond point by point to your suggestion

    - in\out connector type

    You are not the first suggest it.
    I already think about it.
    I think I will make it for the 1.3.0.

    - priority feature for connector

    I really want to add something like that but I really don't know how to do it.
    It will be possible to have it setup like the filter with text but I don't like that.
    I don't want to have a big text to config the connector.
    When the devs will allow us to make custom UI I will add it.
    If you really want it maybe I can try to do something with the text.

    - possibility to connect pipes for bottom of chests\stockpiles

    For stockpile is a bit complex, is for that the stockpile only have the 4 bottom side available.
    But for chest and others storage object I can do it easily.
    I just forget to add top and bottom.

    - maybe increase base speed (1 item/sec is good for wooden pipes, but too slow for electric)

    On the 1.2.1 you can change the speed and the power consumption in the config.
    I have in project to add upgrade for speed maybe that will come for 1.3.

    - multistorage connector (when i put 2 chests and connector between i expect it will connect to both chests)

    Well this one I know is a bit frustrating but that will need huge change in the code.
    Cause it's coded to have only 1 connected inventory I didn't really thought about multiple inventory and to be honest it was more easy to make it connect to only 1 inventory ^^'

    - is it possible to read filter data from storage text instead of pipe's one?

    I'm not sure to understand what you means.
    You means adding a text tab to the connected object (I.e a stockpile) ?
    If it's that is not possible to add/remove tab in an object during run time.

    I hope I have respond at all your question. I already add your suggestion/problem to my text file with all the thing I need/want to make for the mods =D

  • Better farming updated to 7.5.
    Big shovel now with model and animation.
    Color Cube will be available soon.

    Now that everything else is done I will be able to work again on my transport Pipe mod.
    I have soo much thing done already for the 1.3.0.
    I really want to update the mod but I have soo much thing I want to finish before.

  • On the 1.2.1 you can change the speed and the power consumption in the config.

    Im talking not about config, most people using mods with default config and never look at it. Im talking about increasing base speed, then you can put into the config just multipliers. There should be difference between wooden and electric pipes by default, othewise what a point to make the electric ones?

  • Im talking not about config, most people using mods with default config and never look at it. Im talking about increasing base speed, then you can put into the config just multipliers. There should be difference between wooden and electric pipes by default, othewise what a point to make the electric ones?

    The electric pipe are 5 times faster
    1 item every 5 seconds for wooden pipe by default
    1 item per second for electric pipe by default
    Yeah is not very easy to change in config since you can just change the time between items move.
    In the 1.3 I want to add new upgrade to faster connector but I don't know if I will have the time.

  • Hey here.
    I'm doing some testing with the crafting table.
    And I've found a way to connect a crafting table to the pipe system.
    After connecting a crafting table to the pipe system, inside the storage tab you will see the linked storage like always but you will see the Input storage from the pipe system.
    This will get all the input regardless of the filter inside the input connector. (Not sure if it's possible to make the filter work)
    And it's still a test and with maybe lot of bug/problems.
    I just wonder if you are interested about this features ?

    And about the know issue where the power consumption show wrong energy type or wrong energy consumption.
    I have investigate it and I can't fix it, it's directly in the client code.
    It's because the game don't expect to have a consumption of an object change after being place.

  • Hello everyone.

    Didn't come here for a bit of time, nearly one month, got a lot of thing to do these time don't have much time working on my mods.
    I was helping asphalt to finish fixing some small stuff before starting on release my mods.
    Now Asphalt seems stable.
    I will try to update my mods during this week over time.

    I hope you still enjoy my mods, I'm happy to get that amount of message asking me to update my mods.

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