Hello everyone :).
I do this thread because I wanted somewhere a way to communicate with players that use and play with my mods.
This thread will be a place to discuss idea about what to add on my different mods.
If anyone have an idea to add on my mods we can discuss it here with other player.
Please don't make request for news mods. You have the mod wishlist post for that. (I read every message on the mod wishlist post ;))
I will use this first message to ask on what you want me to work on.
I've actually start to have many mod and lot of idea with many mods but I don't have time to work on all the mod at the same time.
So on what I can work ? I will let you decide (This is a small list but I'm sure you can fill it with your different idea)
Big Shovel - Try adding a shovel model for the different tools.
Color Cube - A new mods I'm working on it's nearly finish but I have some little thing to finish before release it. (I keep you the surprise on what consist the mod)
Transport Pipe - The 1.3.0 update. I already start working a lot on the update and it will add a lot, lot of very cool things. (This update will still need a lot of time.)
Write me what you will prefer
I want to work on everything and so I don't know on what to work o_O
If you want to have some info on what coming in transport Pipe or what is this color cube mod, if you ask maybe I will give you some clues :p
I really hope player will come and interact with me on this thread
If player want to help me to make my mods by testing dev build or trying to do some icon or model you can send me a PM