Kye added a new file:
Elixr Mods - EM Storage

QuoteDisplay MoreEach Module in this bundle is optional so you can remove what you don't want!!
Thanks to the EM Framework 3.1.x We now have Customizable Recipes! Change the recipes to suit your needs!
REQUIRES EM FRAMEWORK 3.1.x! Not Included In Download
Not enough stuff for the recipes? Why not look at the Elixr Mods Plus Modules! Make your Own Mod Bridge to change up the recipes using items from another mod!! WHAT?!
More information on the EM Plus Modules Here: Elixr Mods Plus
And don't worry, we have plans to really bump this Bundle up with even more stuff!
More Details On these Modules to be released Soon As well as documentation on Mod Overrides
The Shipping Module brings in new Shipping Based Items! 20FT and 40FT Shipping Containers?! The old Shipping Containers where the Staple of the EM but now these bad boys will really make your day!
What about early game? Sick of the chests? Not enough room? We now have the Shipping Crate!! An early Game Shipping Item used For more Storage! Takes up the same room as 2 Chests but boasts more storage space!
There is nothing worse then having to clear a big area to put down a stockpile to kill a forest or make a strip mine, Well that ends today!! Check out our Log and Rock piles! Designed for those who love their strip mining and
Forest Clearing!! Easily place down these handy storages in nice tight spaces so you can get straight to work! With different sizes as you progress through your technological destruction, with the Large Rock and Log Piles Boasting
just a bit More Storage Space then a Stockpile with less space consumed!