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Elixr Mods Features Pack

QuoteDisplay MoreElixr Mods Features pack brings in new features to your server such as:
Admin Commands,
Player to Player TPS,
Communal Warp Points,
Daily Rewards,
Messages Of The Day,
Shop Informatics
Basic User Commands
EM Framework Is included in this pack. it is also required!
EM Framework for information on the em-framework
Installation Instructions:
Download Zip File,
Unzip into your mods folder,
Run the server:
Known Bug: After configuring the AFK module the server needs to be rebooted for it to start working, looking into this.
Here is a full list of all the features included in this pack!
Admin Commands
Our Admin Plugin Comes with some features we think would be just right for your server!
Is your server using more resources then it should? Players chilling online for hours on end and its driving up your server resource use?
Why not try our Admin Module, Comes with an AFK Timer that boots players after the haven't done anything for what ever amount of time you set!
Can even be used on local worlds to keep your pc running smoothly.
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-admin.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Admin (em-admin.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Command Example Description Meteor Toggle /meteor-on | /meteor-off Generates a fresh meteor with the time frame set in the config file ( even if its disabled by default ) Or Destroys the Meteor Send Announcement - Global /send-global message Send an announcement to all the users in the server, it appears in their notifications bar so they will get it Send Announcement - Popup /send-popup message Send a popup to all online users on the server with an ok button, means they have to read it Send Announcement - Info Panel /send-info message Send an announcement to all the users in the server, it appears as an info panel. AFK Timer /afk-timer time Sets the length in minutes to let a player afk for, use whole numbers - 1 = 1 Minute AFK Enable /afk-on Enables AFK Monitor AFK Disable /afk-off Disables AFK Monitor Reload AFK Config /afk-reload Reloads the AFK Config incase you edit the config file Basic Commands
Basic Commands Plugin Comes with some features we think would be just right for your server!
Basically it has some useful commands for your players to help out with info about many different things.
Some basic things like player stats, Who the admins are and which admins are currently online should they need help!
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-commands.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Commands (em-commands.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Command Example Description Last Online - Players /last-online playername See when players were last online Stats - Player /stats playername Display stats of players - Such as professions, are they admin or not and other details. Online Players /online Opens up an info panel with a list of all online players Admins /admins Displays a list of all admins on the server. Admins Online /admins-online Displays a list of all online admins incase you need an admins help Top - Activness /top active Gives a list of all players from most active to least active Top - Richest /top richest Gives a list of all players from the richest to the least richest EM Daily
Our Daily Plugin is a way for you to offer rewards to your players who play every day!
This plugin is relatively complex so i will try to explain it as best as i can!
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-daily.dll
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/Assets/EM-Daily.unit3d
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Daily (em-daily.dll, en-daily.unity3d) - Requires EM Framework
Lets Start with some basic information on this plugin:
This plugins latest update introduces Daily Packs, You as an admin make these packs and set what items are in them.
This plugin introduces a few new things: It adds some commands, one for players and 2 for admins.
This plugin also adds in a new Object to make using this plugin even easier!
This plugin also uses the EM Framework Group System so you can set it so different groups start at a higher tier
The New Object Provided in this pack is called: Reward pack table for EM daily plugin
This table has a few inbuilt settings for you:
- Tier - Tiers are used to separate the packs into higher/lower tiers, Higher Tiers Have a Lower Chance to be Given ( For those more rare packs)
- Selection Value - The Chances at which this pack should have to be picked, the Higher the Selection Value the more chance the pack has of being rewarded.
- Pack Name - Give your pack a name for management purposes
- Pack Items - This is a list of all the items you want in the pack and how many of each item, this uses the new eco UI system for making laws etc so it should be easy to use.
The Table also has a few buttons on it, one of these buttons is the remove pack.
To use the remove pack button, you first need to enter in the pack name you wish to remove in the Pack name text box then click remove, this will then delete that pack.
Players can only receive 1 reward pack per day and have to be logged in for a certain amount of time before they can claim a reward pack.
These are the options when adjusting the settings with commands:
- XP - This is how much XP The Tokens Give You
- startTier - This is the starting Tier at which the randomizer will pick a pack from and work its way up
- Time - this is for the minimum time required for a player to be logged in before they can claim a daily pack
If you get stuck or are still a little confused feel free to contact us for help!
Command Example Description Daily Configuration - Default /daily-config setting Configure your daily plugin default settings that are used throughout the entire plugin Daily Configuration - Groups /dy-grpconfig groupname, setting This allows you to set different values based on specific groups so each group can have different values. Daily Rewards /get-daily This will try to get your daily pack for logging in for that day ( timer is 24 hours before you can get a pack ) - Also requires you to be logged in for x amount of time. EM Homes
The Home Teleports Plugin Is Designed for an easy way to return to your home without having to walk the whole way!
It is easily configurable and has a few options it can work with, Such as:
- Setting the maximum number of homes each player can have
- Adding in a Calorie Cost for each user for when they use the command to go home
- Setting a cooldown for how often they can use the command
- Setting a Maximum number of times they can go home per day
- Changing/Setting all the above settings per EM Group as well!!
These are the values to use for the config command!
- max - This is the Maximum amount of times a user can return home
- cost - This is the Calorie Cost of using the command
- count - This is the Maximum amount of homes a user can have
- cooldown - This is how long they need to wait before being able to use the /gohome command
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-home.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Home (em-home.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Command Example Description Home /home Get a list of all available commands in this module Homes /homes Lets you know how many more times you can return home this day Configure Homes /home-config setting, value
/home-config max, 1
/home-config cost, 500This is how you can configure the home plugin to set the values you want for each setting, settings listed above,
values are whole numbers,
Note: Cooldown is in Seconds, ie: 60 = 1 Minute
cost is in calories, ie: 250 = 250 CaloriesConfigure Homes Groups /home-grpconfig groupname, setting, value This is the command you can use to configure the settings per group, it works the same way as the normal command Go Home /gohome homename This is the command used to return to a set home with homename being the name you gave that home Add Home /home-add homename This is the command used to set a new home, if you have reached the server maximum you won't be able to set another home,
You can also only set a new home on claimed land you are authorized on.Remove Home /home-del homename This is the command to remove a previously set home Home Info /home-myinfo This will list all of your homes and the locations of where they are set Clear Homes /home-clear This will remove all of your previous homes with a single command, becareful with this command Home Reload /home-reload This will reload the Home config if you alter it outside of the game but only the default config not the group configs Home Settings /home-settings This will give you a detailed printout of the settings you have for the homes pluging including group settings, just incase you forget Shop Informatics
Shop Informatics, while not rich in features just yet, is a plugin to help with finding prices and listed items with a lovely interface display!
We do plan to show this module some love and give it a bunch more features in relation to stores, selling/buying and crafting costs
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-informatics.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Informatics (em-informatics.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Command Example Description Prices /prices item name This will find all shops selling the specified item and for how much, it will display the name of the store as well for your convenience
it will also tell you who is buying this item and for how much as wellPlayer Jokes
Jokes, while not rich in features is just a silly little plugin for some fun!
This plugin may become unsupported in the future as Eco may implement character animations and physical emotes
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
This plugin is all command based and can be used by all users except one, the adult jokes toggle.
Each action also selects a random body part when completing the action
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-jokes.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Jokes (em-jokes.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Command Example Description Slap /slap targetuser This is a silly joke to slap another player in a random body part, this is all in fun and games and text based, players perform no actions Punch /punch targetuser This is a silly joke to punch another player in a random body part, this is all in fun and games and text based. Wave /wave targetuser This just waves to another user, this is all in fun and games and text based. Hug /hug targetuser This just hugs another user, this is all in fun and games and text based. Joke /joke This just gets a random joke, most of the time, a dad joke. this is all in fun and games and text based. Suggest Joke /suggestjoke joke This will allow you too suggest a joke to be added to the joke list for the mod Adult Jokes /adultjokes This is a toggle to turn on the ability for players to get an adult joke when they do /joke Messages Of The Day!
The Message Of The Day Plugin got a bit of an Overhaul, Especially on how it works and how you interact with it!
MOTD has become less command based and more text file based.
The MOTD Now Shows once Every time a user Logs in to the user who just logged in with a big pop up display.
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-motd.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM motd (em-motd.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Editing The MOTD.
To Edit the MOTD all you need to do is goto this folder:
- ServerInstallDirectory/Configs/Mods/EM/MOTD
In here there are a few files
- MOTD.txt
- MOTDConfig.json
- MOTDData.json
To Edit The MOTD itself open the MOTD.txt
This file contains all the information you need for setting your New MOTD! And once you have finished editing this file all you need to do is use the command /motd-reload and the new changes will be instantly applied.
The MOTD Config is not yet used but will be in the future!
MOTDData is the data file that it uses to store the new Message List system we use for displaying a list of messages in the MOTD
Command Example Description MOTD /motd This Will allow any user to re-open the MOTD at any time so they can re look at it, this may be helpful if you use the motd for lots of useful information MOTD Reload /motd-reload This command allows you to instantly reload the MOTD Changes you make in the MOTD.txt file at any time. Add MOTD Message /motd-madd message This will allow you to add a new message to the message list at will. Remove MOTD Message /motd-mrem messagenumber This allows you to remove any message from the message list, The Messagenumber is the number in the list that message appears Player To Player Teleports
The Teleportation Plugin Is Designed for an easy way to Teleport to another player at any time (Provided they are not on cooldown)!
It is easily configurable and has a few options it can work with, Such as:
- Setting the maximum number Teleports a player can user per 24 hours
- Adding in a Calorie Cost for each user for when they use the command to teleport
- Setting a cooldown for how often they can use the command
- Setting an expiry time for requests to time out
- Changing/Setting all the above settings per EM Group as well!!
These are the values to use for the config command!
- max - This is the Maximum amount of times a user can teleport per day
- cost - This is the Calorie Cost of using the command
- expiry - This is how long a teleport request can last for
- cooldown - This is how long they need to wait before being able to use the /tpr command
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-tp.dll
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Teleportation (em-tp.dll) - Requires EM Framework
Command Example Description Teleportation /teleportation Get a list of all available commands in this module Teleports /teleports Lets you know how many more times you can teleport this day Configure Teleportation /tp-config setting, value
/tp-config max, 1
/tp-config cost, 500This is how you can configure the tp plugin to set the values you want for each setting, settings listed above,
values are whole numbers,
Note: Cooldown is in Seconds, ie: 60 = 1 Minute
cost is in calories, ie: 250 = 250 CaloriesConfigure Teleportation Groups /tp-grpconfig groupname, setting, value This is the command you can use to configure the settings per group, it works the same way as the normal command Teleport Request /tpr playername This is the command used to send a teleport request to another player Accept Teleport Request /tpa This is used to accept pending teleport requests, if a teleport request has expired this command will not work Teleport Here /tphere username This command allows you to teleport the target user to your position, this is an admin only command, optionally if you set all it will teleport everyone on the server to you. Teleport Group Here /tphere-grp groupname This will teleport all memebers of the mentioned group to your location, This is an admin only command Teleport Here Message /tpmessage true/false This allows you to turn on or off the TP Here Message sent to users when you use the tphere command Teleportation Reload /tp-reload This will reload the Teleportation config if you alter it outside of the game but only the default config not the group configs Teleportation Settings /tp-settings This will give you a detailed printout of the settings you have for the teleportation plugin including group settings, just in case you forget Warp Points
The Community Warps Plugin allows you to set warp points around the world for players to be able to teleport too
The Community warps got a bit of an overhaul! Instead of being fully command based it is now Object and Command Based
It is easily configurable and has a few options it can work with, Such as:
- Adding in a Calorie Cost for each user for when they use the command to warp
- Setting a cooldown for how often they can use the command
- Setting a Maximum number of times they can warp
- Changing/Setting all the above settings per EM Group as well!!
These are the values to use for the config command!
- max - This is the Maximum amount of times a user can warp
- cost - This is the Calorie Cost of using the command
- cooldown - This is how long they need to wait before being able to use the /gohome command
To install this module Unzip the download in the Mods folder, this will place the dll and assets in the following locations:
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/em-warp.dll
- Mods/Elixr Mods/FeaturesPack/Assets/EM-Warp.Unity3d
To Uninstall simply remove this file from this location
Now For What Is In This Pack:
EM Warps (em-warp.dll, EM-Warp.unity3d) - Requires EM Framework
Objects in This Module:
- Warp Point Object
- Warp Sign Object
With the new changes to the Warp Module to actually get started it is quite easy!
Warp Points and Warp Signs are an Admin Only Item and can only be used, picked up and altered by an admin! this means they can be placed anywhere and only an admin can change them or pick them up!
So Lets get started!
First Give yourself a Warp Point object using the /give admin command
Next, Place the object on the ground, taking note of the huge indent indicating the front!
Then Press E on the object to open up the interface, in here you can set the text displayed on the object itself, it displays like a sign!
To set the Actual Warp Point name click the top part where it states "new point" this will allow you to change its name, set this to your desired name.
Note! you need to change the warp point name before you can place another, you can not have multiple warp points with the same name!
Next! The Warp Sign!
The warp sign is very similar in how it works, instead of chaning the objects name we use the sign text!
To set the warp sign up enter into the giant text box: warp to warpname
With warpname being the name of a warp point, Now you can right click on the warp sign and teleport to that warp point instantly!
Warp Signs have no max teleport limits and no cooldowns but do use the calorie cost! so keep that in mind!
Command Example Description Warp /warp Get a list of all available commands in this module Warps /warps Lets you know how many more times you can use the /warpto command this day Configure Warps /warp-config setting, value
/warp-config max, 1
/warp-config cost, 500This is how you can configure the warp plugin to set the values you want for each setting, settings listed above,
values are whole numbers,
Note: Cooldown is in Seconds, ie: 60 = 1 Minute
cost is in calories, ie: 250 = 250 CaloriesConfigure Warp Groups /warp-grpconfig groupname, setting, value This is the command you can use to configure the settings per group, it works the same way as the normal command Warp To /warpto warpname This is the command used to warp to a set warp point with warpname being the name set for that point Warp List /warp-info This will give you a full list of all available warp names you can warp to. Warp Reload /warp-reload This will reload the Warp config if you alter it outside of the game but only the default config not the group configs Warp Settings /war[-settings This will give you a detailed printout of the settings you have for the warp plugin including group settings, just incase you forget Remove Warp /warp-del warpname This is the command to remove a previously set warp point, if a model for it exists it will also remove that model, this is just incase of broken warps