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Big Shovel - Light

QuoteDisplay MorePlease Note! This is a Light Version of the Big Shovel Mod!
This version will only show Dirt Clay and Sand on the end of the shovel, but you can still pick up everything else with it they just will not display!Big Shovel Mod Updated for 9.4! - Will Now Only Pickup Up To 10 By Default!
Installation Instructions:
Unzip Into the Mods/UserCode Folder
Changing MaxTake:Go into the Mods/BigShovel Folder,
Open any of the BigShovel Files except for the BigShovel.cs
Set the MaxTake to your desired Value
The Max Take Can Not Be Higher then the Max Stack Sizes For Dirt, clay, etc!!!IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE UPDATING FROM 1.1.1 To 1.2.x!!!
When you update to the newest version, be sure to remove the old BigShovel.dll as the big shovel is now uncompiled so it now adds in 4 cs files and 4 unity files,
The cs file you can edit to change calorie cost, durability etc
Here it is, One of the most requested things around, The Big Shovel!
3 New shovel types,
Iron Big Shovel
Steel Big Shovel
Modern Big Shovel
Cost's slightly increased for balance
Recipes, Locations Skills:
Item Name Recipe Craft Location/skill Give Name Info Wooden Big Shovel 30 Wood Tool Bench, 30 Second craft Time/ No Skill "/give Wooden Big Shovel" the wooden big shovel has a durability of 100
an average calorie cost to use of 20 per interaction
Repairs with any kind of woodIron Big Shovel Iron Bars 8, Wood Boards 8 Anvil, 30 Second Craft Time "/Give Iron Big Shovel" the iron big shovel has a durability of 500
an average calorie cost to use of 17 per interaction
Repairs with Iron BarsSteel Big Shovel Steel Bars 15, Lumber 10 Anvil, 30 Second Craft Time "/Give Iron Big Shovel" the steel big shovel has a durability of 1000
an average calorie cost to use of 20 per interaction( will be changed to 15)
Repairs with Steel BarsModern Big Shovel Fiberglass 15, Steel Bar 20 Assembly Line, 30 second craft time "/Give Modern Big Shovel" the Modern big shovel has a durability of 2000
an average calorie cost to use of 10 per interaction
Repairs with Steel Bars