if you download the garbager mod you can recycle them to gumbles and with that you can make asphalt streets
if you download the garbager mod you can recycle them to gumbles and with that you can make asphalt streets
JAGGANOT updated [plain]TrashCan (JD_Mods)[/plain] with a new update entry:
QuoteUpdatet Unity Files Fixt Some Errors
JAGGANOT updated [plain]TrashCan (JD_Mods)[/plain] with a new update entry:
QuoteFixt Items
Fixt Tables
Remake Unity Textures
Can we get an update for this to 8.0.X?
JAGGANOT updated [plain]TrashCan (JD_Mods)[/plain] with a new update entry:
QuoteUpdated Mod To 8x
The mod is working great, however we do not see that it can be crafted on the anvil, did the crafting of it move?
its a admin item a admin can give it you
Just a heads up, this mod is broke in 8.0.6
JAGGANOT updated [plain]TrashCan (JD_Mods)[/plain] with a new update entry:
[plain]Fixt Trashcan Placing bug[/plain]
QuoteFixt Trashcan Placing bug
Updated Mod to 8.0.6
I got the issue
The model looks shinning white and If I build it somewhere, It kick me from server with error warning.
But I can re-join the sever without any issue, and the trashcan didn't built.
hi the white shining is a unity bug that can be fixt the other things idk why they happen you can join my discord so i can better help you with that out..
Hey, all where is this built?
i can't build it in the anvil and when i use the /give JDTrashCanObject command it says the object does not exist
edit: i typed in /give TrashCanItem,1 instead and it worked
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