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NidToolbox: MOTD module

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MOTD module
for NidToolbox Light
requries nid-core module available here
Brings back "Welcome Message" known from the old NidToolbox, to brighten every user login event
MOTD module offers:
- Highly customisable welcome message functionality.
- Can be governed by config files and/or from within the game via commands.
- Easy reloads, without the need of a server restart.
- Possibility to show MOTD as popup, chat message or both.
- Server owner controls both the title of the message (the "brackets tag") as well as the title window.
- Config file as well as the default message are generated on startup of the plugin.
As any module of NidToolbox set, it requires nid-core version 1.0.1+ module, available in the main forum thread: here
Settings files:
Config files are located at Mods\NidToolbox\Configs\
Motd.json - stores configuration options of the plugin.
MotdMessage.txt - stores actual MOTD message. It accepts all usual Eco's formatting tags .i.e <b> <u> <color> or even icons.
See below for examples.
Code{ "Info1": "NidToolbox Light: MOTD settings.", "MotdEnabled": true, "ShowAsPopUp": false, "ShowInChat": true, "WindowTitle": "MOTD" }
Code<size=42><color=yellow><b>Welcome to our Server</b></color></size> Please make sure you familiarized yourself with our rules. Have fun! <i>Server admins</i>
Available commands:
/help nidMotd
Displays information about all commands contained within this module.
Reloads MOTD message from the MotdMessage.txt file.
Shows current MOTD message.
Sets the whole module to enabled or disabled state
/nidmotd-enable bool trueFalse
Enables or disables of displaying the MOTD in chat.
/nidmotd-chat bool trueFalse
Enables or disables of displaying the MOTD as pop-up window.
/nidmotd-popup bool trueFalse
Sets title of both the bracket's tag as well as the MOTD Popup window (if enabled).
/nidmotd-title string someTitle