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NidToolbox: IP Logger module

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IP Logger module
for NidToolbox Light
requries nid-core module available here
Provides ability to log Login and Logout events of your citizens, registering IP Address, time, date, steam ID, slg ID and more.
IP Logger module allows:
- Registers each event of login, logout (or both) of each citizen connecting to your server.
- Server owners may decide which events they want to monitor and where if at all to store the data.
- Enabling of the features can be done via in-game commands or through editing of the settings file.
- Target of the log can be set to server console, server log, NidToolbox log - none, some or all of these in any combination that suits the server owner.
- Ability to create a comma-delimited .csv file for administrators who like to export their server data to external tools for analytics.
- Can notify about players using same IP address.
As any module of NidToolbox set, it requires nid-core version 1.0.1+ module, available in the main forum thread: here
Settings files:
Config files are located at Mods\NidToolbox\Configs\IPLogger.json
Code{ "Info1": "NidToolbox Light: IP Logger settings.", "IPLoggerEnabled": true, "LogLogouts": false, "ReportInConsole": true, "ReportInGameLog": false, "MakeCSVFile": true, "NotifySameIPs": false }
Output files:Output files (logs) are stored at Mods\Nidtoolbox\Logs\ChatLogger\
Log file name has a form of userName_ServerID.log i.e nidaren_SrvID-1.log and is per user.
Same IP Notifications:
When enabled online Admins will get a notification to their mailbox, when there are two players with same IP address.
Example output:CodeDate Hour Event IP Address SteamID slg ID Server ID Character Name 28.09.2020 11:12:50 Login 123.456.7.8 11222222211111110 slg123455 1 nidaren 28.09.2020 11:14:56 Logout disconnecting 11222222211111110 slg123455 1 nidaren
Available commands:
/help IPLog
Displays information about all commands contained within this module.
Sets the whole module to enabled or disabled state
/iplog-enable bool trueFalse
Enables or disables the notifications about users connecting from same IP Address. Disabled by default.
/iplog-sameip bool trueFalse
Sets the module to also register citizen's logouts. Set to true by default.
/iplog-logouts bool trueFalse
Sets the module to write to server console.
/iplog-console bool trueFalse
Sets the module to write to server log - located at Server\Logs\ (default eco log).
/iplog-serverlog bool trueFalse
Enables or disables the comma delimited file with all the login and logout data, with user information. Disabled by default.
/iplog-csv bool trueFalse