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NidToolbox Light - Modular set of server tools for Eco: IP Logger, chat logger, player manager, player reset, custom job levels and more

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NidToolbox Light
Modular set of server tools for Eco
** powered by and compatible with em-framework **
nid-core base module
NidToolbox Light brings back the old NidToolbox plugin for previous versions of Eco, in more manageable and modular format this time around.
Each module works independently, being versioned separately - with only nid-core component being required. Server admins can mix and match modules they need for their servers.
This project is a work in progress aiming to overtime bring back all of the features of old NidToolbox to Eco 9.0+. As I sadly don't have as much time to work on the project as before, modules will be released as I develop them. Your patience is appreciated <3.
Support is provided as well as suggestions are accepted on my Discord
It is not required, but if you would like to support the development of the plugin, donations are accepted
Core module does not do anything by itself and to get any functionality out of it, you need to download one of the available modules. Documentation and installation instructions are available at the module's page. You can find all the links below.
Currently available modules:
- Chat Logger - logging chat in realtime
- IP Logger - providing data on each logon and logout, fully customizable. Can log to server log, console, own log, or all at the same time.
- Player Manager - contains commands useful in day-to-day player management, ability to Reset Skills, Talents and progression, set Job Level and refund specialisation points of any player on the server, geo-location and more.
- nid-Core - this module. Download at the top of this page.
- Server Cleanup - Set of server clean and maintenance commands, allowing for removal of mining rubble, tree debris, stumps etc. Generates detailed report on rubble present on the server.
- MOTD - Displays welcome message to players logging in, accepts all Eco's formatting. Stores MOTD in a text file for easy edits. Managed from command line and/or config files.
Upcoming modules:
- Action Preventables and Temporary Bans
- Chat Tags
- Financial Administration
- User Homes
- Rules and Server Changelog
- Scheduled and Timer Messages
- Marriages
- Minting Rights
Plugin Management:
Settings can be changed either via in-game commands or through editing of settings configuration files. See each module page for details. Due to their nature or tasks performed, some modules may not have any configuration files.
em-framework 2.1.0+ (already included in the package).
How to install:
Unpack the content of the .zip archive, copy it over your Server's Mods folder.
em-framework.dll as well as nid-core.dll go into Mods folder. Individual modules are installed into Mods/NidToolbox/Modules directory.