How to edit stack sizes for items with and without a MaxStackSize and all 3 ramps Dirt/Stone/Asphalt

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  • So I just wanted to put this out there for people making stack size mods or simply adjusting stack sizes on your personal server. If you have an item that does not have [MaxStackSize(xxx)] you can add it to the item to create bigger stack sizes. I.E.


    you just have to edit the correct file

    This is what a normal PlantFiber.cs looks like:


    // Copyright (c) Strange Loop Games. All rights reserved.

    // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

    // <auto-generated />

    namespace Eco.Mods.TechTree


    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.ComponentModel;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Blocks;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Components;

    using Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Objects;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Players;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Skills;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems.TextLinks;

    using Eco.Shared.Localization;

    using Eco.Shared.Serialization;

    using Eco.Shared.Utils;

    using Eco.Core.Items;

    using Eco.World;

    using Eco.World.Blocks;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Pipes;


    [LocDisplayName("Plant Fibers")]




    [Yield(typeof(PlantFibersItem), typeof(GatheringSkill), new float[] { 1f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f, 2.0f })]


    [Ecopedia("Items", "Products", createAsSubPage: true, display: InPageTooltip.DynamicTooltip)]

    [Tag("NaturalFiber", 1)]

    [Tag("Burnable Fuel", 1)]

    public partial class PlantFibersItem :



    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Harvested from a number of plants, these fibers are useful for a suprising number of things."); } }



    And what a modded PlantFiber.cs would look like:

    Modded PlantFiber.cs

    // Copyright (c) Strange Loop Games. All rights reserved.

    // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

    // <auto-generated />

    namespace Eco.Mods.TechTree


    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.ComponentModel;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Blocks;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Components;

    using Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Objects;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Players;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Skills;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems.TextLinks;

    using Eco.Shared.Localization;

    using Eco.Shared.Serialization;

    using Eco.Shared.Utils;

    using Eco.Core.Items;

    using Eco.World;

    using Eco.World.Blocks;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Pipes;


    [LocDisplayName("Plant Fibers")]


    [MaxStackSize(100)] <----------------------------------- [THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED]



    [Yield(typeof(PlantFibersItem), typeof(GatheringSkill), new float[] { 1f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f, 2.0f })]


    [Ecopedia("Items", "Products", createAsSubPage: true, display: InPageTooltip.DynamicTooltip)]

    [Tag("NaturalFiber", 1)]

    [Tag("Burnable Fuel", 1)]

    public partial class PlantFibersItem :



    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Harvested from a number of plants, these fibers are useful for a suprising number of things."); } }



    Some .cs files have two sections with this area

    Main Area You Edit


    [LocDisplayName("Plant Fibers")]





    [Yield(typeof(PlantFibersItem), typeof(GatheringSkill), new float[] { 1f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f, 2.0f })]


    [Ecopedia("Items", "Products", createAsSubPage: true, display: InPageTooltip.DynamicTooltip)]

    [Tag("NaturalFiber", 1)]

    [Tag("Burnable Fuel", 1)]

    public partial class PlantFibersItem :



    One example being CornSeed.cs


    // Copyright (c) Strange Loop Games. All rights reserved.

    // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

    // <auto-generated />

    namespace Eco.Mods.TechTree


    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Blocks;

    using Eco.Core.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Components;

    using Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items.SearchAndSelect;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Skills;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems.TextLinks;

    using Eco.Mods.TechTree;

    using Eco.Shared.Localization;

    using Eco.Shared.Serialization;

    using Eco.Shared.Utils;

    using Eco.World;

    using Eco.World.Blocks;

    using Gameplay.Players;

    using System.ComponentModel;


    [LocDisplayName("Corn Seed")]



    [Tag("Crop Seed", 1)]

    public partial class CornSeedItem : SeedItem


    static CornSeedItem() { }

    private static Nutrients nutrition = new Nutrients() { Carbs = 0, Fat = 0, Protein = 0, Vitamins = 0 };

    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Plant to grow corn."); } }

    public override LocString SpeciesName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Corn"); } }

    public override float Calories { get { return 0; } }

    public override Nutrients Nutrition { get { return nutrition; } }



    [LocDisplayName("Corn Seed Pack")]



    public partial class CornSeedPackItem : SeedPackItem


    static CornSeedPackItem() { }

    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Plant to grow corn."); } }

    public override LocString SpeciesName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Corn"); } }


    [RequiresSkill(typeof(FarmingSkill), 1)]

    public class CornSeedRecipe : RecipeFamily


    public CornSeedRecipe()


    this.Initialize(Localizer.DoStr("Corn Seed"), typeof(CornSeedRecipe));

    this.Recipes = new List<Recipe>


    new Recipe(


    Localizer.DoStr("Corn Seed"),

    new IngredientElement[]


    new IngredientElement(typeof(CornItem), 1, typeof(FarmingSkill), typeof(FarmingLavishResourcesTalent)),


    new CraftingElement<CornSeedItem>()



    this.LaborInCalories = CreateLaborInCaloriesValue(20, typeof(FarmingSkill), typeof(CornSeedRecipe), this.UILink());

    this.CraftMinutes = CreateCraftTimeValue(typeof(CornSeedRecipe), this.UILink(), 1, typeof(FarmingSkill), typeof(FarmingFocusedSpeedTalent), typeof(FarmingParallelSpeedTalent));

    this.Initialize(Localizer.DoStr("Corn Seed"), typeof(CornSeedRecipe));

    CraftingComponent.AddRecipe(typeof(FarmersTableObject), this);




    Edited 2 times, last by dadycupcakes (September 19, 2020 at 11:15 PM).

  • I'm pretty sure you only need to add the max stack size under the first one but if that doesn't work try putting it under both which is what I have done.

    Modded CornSeed.cs

    // Copyright (c) Strange Loop Games. All rights reserved.

    // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

    // <auto-generated />

    namespace Eco.Mods.TechTree


    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Blocks;

    using Eco.Core.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Components;

    using Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items.SearchAndSelect;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Skills;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Systems.TextLinks;

    using Eco.Mods.TechTree;

    using Eco.Shared.Localization;

    using Eco.Shared.Serialization;

    using Eco.Shared.Utils;

    using Eco.World;

    using Eco.World.Blocks;

    using Gameplay.Players;

    using System.ComponentModel;


    [LocDisplayName("Corn Seed")]

    [MaxStackSize(100)] <----------------------------------- [THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED]



    [Tag("Crop Seed", 1)]

    public partial class CornSeedItem : SeedItem


    static CornSeedItem() { }

    private static Nutrients nutrition = new Nutrients() { Carbs = 0, Fat = 0, Protein = 0, Vitamins = 0 };

    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Plant to grow corn."); } }

    public override LocString SpeciesName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Corn"); } }

    public override float Calories { get { return 0; } }

    public override Nutrients Nutrition { get { return nutrition; } }



    [LocDisplayName("Corn Seed Pack")]


    [MaxStackSize(100)] <----------------------------------- [THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED]


    public partial class CornSeedPackItem : SeedPackItem


    static CornSeedPackItem() { }

    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Plant to grow corn."); } }

    public override LocString SpeciesName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Corn"); } }


    [RequiresSkill(typeof(FarmingSkill), 1)]

    public class CornSeedRecipe : RecipeFamily


    public CornSeedRecipe()


    this.Initialize(Localizer.DoStr("Corn Seed"), typeof(CornSeedRecipe));

    this.Recipes = new List<Recipe>


    new Recipe(


    Localizer.DoStr("Corn Seed"),

    new IngredientElement[]


    new IngredientElement(typeof(CornItem), 1, typeof(FarmingSkill), typeof(FarmingLavishResourcesTalent)),


    new CraftingElement<CornSeedItem>()



    this.LaborInCalories = CreateLaborInCaloriesValue(20, typeof(FarmingSkill), typeof(CornSeedRecipe), this.UILink());

    this.CraftMinutes = CreateCraftTimeValue(typeof(CornSeedRecipe), this.UILink(), 1, typeof(FarmingSkill), typeof(FarmingFocusedSpeedTalent), typeof(FarmingParallelSpeedTalent));

    this.Initialize(Localizer.DoStr("Corn Seed"), typeof(CornSeedRecipe));

    CraftingComponent.AddRecipe(typeof(FarmersTableObject), this);




    Edited 2 times, last by dadycupcakes (September 19, 2020 at 11:16 PM).

  • Now for the ramps, You need to edit a file called Roads.cs Which can be found in this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Eco Server\Mods\Items

    There are 3 sections you need to edit 1 for each type of ramp as seen below

    Modded Roads.cs

    // Copyright (c) Strange Loop Games. All rights reserved.

    // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.ComponentModel;

    using Eco.Core.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.GameActions;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Interactions;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Items;

    using Eco.Gameplay.Objects;

    using Eco.Mods.TechTree;

    using Eco.Shared.Localization;

    using Eco.Shared.Math;

    using Eco.Shared.Serialization;

    using Eco.World;

    using Eco.World.Blocks;

    namespace Eco.Mods.TechTree



    public partial class StoneRoadItem { }

    [Road(1.4f), ConstructWithoutTool(false)] //Asphalt, unlike stone road and dirt road, DOES need a hammer to place, so undo the [ConstructWithoutTool] value set by parents.

    public partial class AsphaltConcreteItem { }



    public abstract class BaseRampObject : WorldObject


    // No UI

    public override InteractResult OnActInteract(InteractionContext context)


    return InteractResult.NoOp;




    public class DirtRampObject : BaseRampObject


    public override LocString DisplayName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Dirt Ramp"); } }

    private DirtRampObject() { }



    [LocDisplayName("Dirt Ramp")]

    [ItemGroup("Road Items")]



    [Ecopedia("Blocks", "Roads", createAsSubPage: true, display: InPageTooltip.DynamicTooltip)]

    [MaxStackSize(100)] <----------------------------------- [THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED]


    public class DirtRampItem : RampItem<DirtRampObject>


    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("4 x 1 Dirt Ramp."); } }

    public override Dictionary<Vector3i, Type[]> BlockTypes { get { return new Dictionary<Vector3i, Type[]>


    {Vector3i.Left, new[] { typeof(DirtRampABlock), typeof(DirtRampBBlock), typeof(DirtRampCBlock), typeof(DirtRampDBlock) }},

    {Vector3i.Forward, new[] { typeof(DirtRampA90Block), typeof(DirtRampB90Block), typeof(DirtRampC90Block), typeof(DirtRampD90Block) }},

    {Vector3i.Right, new[] { typeof(DirtRampA180Block), typeof(DirtRampB180Block), typeof(DirtRampC180Block), typeof(DirtRampD180Block) }},

    {Vector3i.Back, new[] { typeof(DirtRampA270Block), typeof(DirtRampB270Block), typeof(DirtRampC270Block), typeof(DirtRampD270Block) }},




    public class StoneRampObject : BaseRampObject


    public override LocString DisplayName { get { return Localizer.DoStr("Stone Ramp"); } }

    private StoneRampObject() { }



    [LocDisplayName("Stone Ramp")]

    [ItemGroup("Road Items")]



    [Ecopedia("Blocks", "Roads", createAsSubPage: true, display: InPageTooltip.DynamicTooltip)]

    [MaxStackSize(100)] <----------------------------------- [THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED]


    public class StoneRampItem : RampItem<StoneRampObject>


    public override LocString DisplayDescription { get { return Localizer.DoStr("4 x 1 Stone Ramp."); } }

    public override Dictionary<Vector3i, Type[]> BlockTypes { get { return new Dictionary<Vector3i, Type[]>


    {Vector3i.Left, new[] { typeof(StoneRampABlock), typeof(StoneRampBBlock), typeof(StoneRampCBlock), typeof(StoneRampDBlock) }},

    {Vector3i.Forward, new[] { typeof(StoneRampA90Block), typeof(StoneRampB90Block), typeof(StoneRampC90Block), typeof(StoneRampD90Block) }},

    {Vector3i.Right, new[] { typeof(StoneRampA180Block), typeof(StoneRampB180Block), typeof(StoneRampC180Block), typeof(StoneRampD180Block) }},

    {Vector3i.Back, new[] { typeof(StoneRampA270Block), typeof(StoneRampB270Block), typeof(StoneRampC270Block), typeof(StoneRampD270Block) }},




    public class AsphaltConcreteRampObject : BaseRampObject


    public override LocString DisplayName => Localizer.DoStr("Asphalt Concrete Ramp");

    private AsphaltConcreteRampObject() { }



    [LocDisplayName("Asphalt Concrete Ramp")]

    [ItemGroup("Road Items")]




    [MaxStackSize(100)] <----------------------------------- [THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN ADDED]


    public class AsphaltConcreteRampItem : RampItem<AsphaltConcreteRampObject>


    public override LocString DisplayDescription => Localizer.DoStr("4 x 1 Asphalt Concrete Ramp.");

    public override Dictionary<Vector3i, Type[]> BlockTypes { get { return new Dictionary<Vector3i, Type[]>


    {Vector3i.Left, new[] { typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampABlock), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampBBlock), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampCBlock), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampDBlock) }},

    {Vector3i.Forward, new[] { typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampA90Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampB90Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampC90Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampD90Block) }},

    {Vector3i.Right, new[] { typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampA180Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampB180Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampC180Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampD180Block) }},

    {Vector3i.Back, new[] { typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampA270Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampB270Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampC270Block), typeof(AsphaltConcreteRampD270Block) }},




    I'm not sure why i've never seen this in a stack size mod even for the latest 9.0 update but now you know how to do it yourself;)

    Edited once, last by dadycupcakes (September 19, 2020 at 11:17 PM).

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