Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework

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  • Version does not work on linux using mono, got crash on server startup:

    But seems to be working, but with exit issue (must send exit command instead).

    Edited once, last by AlexALX (December 5, 2019 at 5:31 AM).

  • Crashing on server startup on the latest build. Nodecraft server hosting.

    [2020-03-09 23:50:01] [NodePanel]: Game server process started.
    [2020-03-09 23:49:47]: [?1l>[39;49m
    [2020-03-09 23:50:02]: [?1h=[6n[H[2J
    [2020-03-09 23:50:02]: Eco Server beta
    [2020-03-09 23:50:02]: Server Initialization...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:02]: Starting LocalizationPlugin...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:03]: Finished in 401.7ms
    [2020-03-09 23:50:03]: Starting ModKitPlugin...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:03]: Loading mods...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:03]: Compiling mods...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Finished in 2,862.1ms
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Loading 0Harmony...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Loading Asphalt-ModKit...
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Loading mods finished in 3,097.7ms
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Finished in 3,099.5ms

    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Server Initialization finished in 3,512.2ms
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Failed to load server, Exception was Exception: NullReferenceException
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: Source:0Harmony
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.ILCopying.Memory.WriteBytes (System.Int64 memory, System.Byte[] values) [0x0000c] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.ILCopying.Memory.WriteJump (System.Int64 memory, System.Int64 destination) [0x00041] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.ILCopying.Memory.DetourMethod (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, System.Reflection.MethodBase replacement) [0x0003b] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, Harmony.PatchInfo patchInfo, System.String instanceID) [0x00056] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.PatchProcessor.Patch () [0x000e4] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.<PatchAll>b__9_0 (System.Type type) [0x0002c] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] sequence, System.Action`1[T] action) [0x0001b] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00007] in <ea592bdb61774af08c3f432fec48ded1>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:06]: at Asphalt.Api.Asphalt..cctor () [0x00033] in <f0a49a6b2586428eb7da139783ce61b3>:0
    [2020-03-09 23:50:11] [NodePanel]: Game server process offline.

  • Apparently, neither this mod nor any will work. Eco cannot connect, even on solo worlds. I'm unsure why but i'm sad about it.

    Edit: Nevermind, i found the problem. Eco does not allow you to overwrite files and play the game. So I can no longer use mods that do things like increase the carry amount of items.

    Edited once, last by Tokiko846 (April 6, 2020 at 9:13 PM).

  • Apparently, neither this mod nor any will work. Eco cannot connect, even on solo worlds. I'm unsure why but i'm sad about it.

    Edit: Nevermind, i found the problem. Eco does not allow you to overwrite files and play the game. So I can no longer use mods that do things like increase the carry amount of items.

    Try to read the installation guide befor complaning on not working mods, because all of them are working, you just have to install them properly

  • It's nice of you to assume that I didn't read the installation guide/directions. I mean, I totally forgot that I'm actually the single dumbest person on the planet and couldn't have possibly done such a thing. Thank you for setting me straight and i'll be sure to always do so in the future.

  • Cant get the map to work on a Server i can get it to work Single Player But thats about it.

    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Mods/Asphalt-ModKit.dll': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Mods/0Harmony.dll': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Mods/JDGarbageMod': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Mods/JDGarbageMod/JD_Garbager_Mod.unity3d': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Mods/JDGarbageMod/JDGarbagerMod.dll': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Storage/Game.db': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Storage/Backup': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Storage/Backup/Game-2020-05-15-05.51.11': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Storage/Backup/Game-2020-05-15-05.51.11/Game.db': Operation not permitted
    chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/Storage/Backup/Game-2020-05-15-05.51.11/': Operation not permitted

    Edited 2 times, last by killerbad (May 16, 2020 at 4:32 AM).

  • Kronox updated [plain]Asphalt-ModKit - Modding Framework[/plain] with a new update entry:

    [plain]Asphalt MDK - Version[/plain]


    "Holy tree Update"

    • Updates to eco-8.3.3-beta and fixes corrosponding issues
    • Fixes God-like trees that are invincible ;)

    Special thanks to @tazmatic for helping me out (y)

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    Edited once, last by Kronox (June 14, 2020 at 1:31 AM).

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