Feedback 30 hours in

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  • I am playing with a friend on a self hosted server that is set to no collaboration on a small world, I am level 13 for context.

    Storage: Storage in this game is quite finicky, hard to find items and disorganized
    1. I would suggest having more dedicated storage options, these can only hold a certain type of object such as food, seed/fiber/fertilizer and equipment storage. These dedicated storage should be LARGER not smaller than a chest. Like i have no idea why a bookshelf or an icebox is sooooo small.
    2. Add a sort feature that puts similar items together, items with dedicated storage prefers that as well.
    3. the distances seems a bit short for how much of it you need. Make the distance a bit longer
    4. Fuel supply should be at the bottom of the list.

    Permissions & Deeds: While playing with my friend, one thing that constantly comes up is him being unable to use one of my devices, every time I place something I need to give him permission.
    1. If I grant someone to my deed, they should have access to everything inside.
    2. Have a social screen where I can globally grant people access to stuff. Like allow in house, allow everything, allow workbenches etc.

    Tool Breaking: Often while working a tool will break with little indication that it has happened.
    Put a notification on the screen saying "tool broke" when it happens

    Movement: I posted about this before but now I have more idea how the game is played...i still think there is an issue.
    1. Make it so by default we are always running, no holding down shift.
    2. Make shift a toggle and we can walk if we want or if we run low on calories.
    3. Bushes are still an issue for me, movement speed should be improved a bit.

    Ramps / mines: I started to dig a mine and wanted to have a way for my cart to get in, then i noticed that ramps are 4 long! My friend and I joked that they are almost as long as the curvature of the world and its not far off. Like I get that you can't have too steep ramps for carts but could you get away with a 3 ramp?
    1. We need some way of getting stuff out and inside the mines and if it can't be ramps then it would be nice to have an option. Minecarts, elevator shafts (like buckets for items), wench pullies that we can hold to pull up items. Something.
    2. If it can be done with carts, ramps should be shorter...

    Skill Perks: I know that you redesigned your skills not so long ago but I would like to make a suggestion. For example, mining has a level 6 perk that lets you either collect all broken pieces or not have the one large unbroken pieces.
    It would be nice to be able to get both of these, maybe even have empty skills up until level 10 where i learn the second form of this.

    Farming: I understand that the game is trying to have a complex farming system but I often find that it is overly complicated.
    1. There needs to be proper feedback on why plants are dying
    2. Temperature and moisture shouldn't fluctuate so much from one spot to the next.
    3. We need to have the soil sampler when we unlock farming because it really lets us understand stuff better.
    4. I think the crowding algorithm needs to be removed / reworked.
    5. Plants can be harvested before they are ready but there is no indication when they are 100% finished visually. It should be obvious when to harvest.

    Skill bar: At the bottom right there is an ever growing list of skills that we are getting, it might be nice to have an option to hide ones we maxed out.

    Edited 5 times, last by Mur (June 30, 2020 at 11:45 PM).

  • 1. We're working on some of these for specific goods.
    2. A sort feature is something we thought of for future polish tasks.
    3. The distances are intended, we might rebalance them in the future, but for now we are happy with them.
    4. I don't agree, it's important to have quick access to fuel, hence we don't put it there.

    Permissions & Deeds: While playing with my friend, one thing that constantly comes up is him being unable to use one of my devices, every time I place something I need to give him permission.
    1. If I grant someone to my deed, they should have access to everything inside.
    2. Have a social screen where I can globally grant people access to stuff. Like allow in house, allow everything, allow workbenches etc.

    1. This is already the case.
    2. You can do that via the Real Estate Desk. Fine-Grained Permissions are not available though, we might introduce that later in development, but there are no current plans to do so.

    Tool Breaking: Often while working a tool will break with little indication that it has happened.
    Put a notification on the screen saying "tool broke" when it happens

    9.0 will improve this behaviour :)

    Movement: I posted about this before but now I have more idea how the game is played...i still think there is an issue.
    1. Make it so by default we are always running, no holding down shift.
    2. Make shift a toggle and we can walk if we want or if we run low on calories.
    3. Bushes are still an issue for me, movement speed should be improved a bit.

    1. It's intended that you only run when holding down shift, as it does cost your calories. You wouldn't want to use that up all the time.
    2. A toggle option is definately the better idea.
    3. As i've mentioned earlier this is intended.

    Ramps / mines: I started to dig a mine and wanted to have a way for my cart to get in, then i noticed that ramps are 4 long! My friend and I joked that they are almost as long as the curvature of the world and its not far off. Like I get that you can't have too steep ramps for carts but could you get away with a 3 ramp?
    1. We need some way of getting stuff out and inside the mines and if it can't be ramps then it would be nice to have an option. Minecarts, elevator shafts (like buckets for items), wench pullies that we can hold to pull up items. Something.
    2. If it can be done with carts, ramps should be shorter...

    1. We already have a cart-compatible elevator and bigger elevators are in the works :)
    2. We've got no plans for shrinking ramps.

    Skill Perks: I know that you redesigned your skills not so long ago but I would like to make a suggestion. For example, mining has a level 6 perk that lets you either collect all broken pieces or not have the one large unbroken pieces.
    It would be nice to be able to get both of these, maybe even have empty skills up until level 10 where i learn the second form of this.

    Not being able to get both perks is intended. It's meant to be a either - or decision promoting you to work together when choosing talents. We don't have plans to change this.

    Farming is getting a total rework in a future patch.

    Skill bar: At the bottom right there is an ever growing list of skills that we are getting, it might be nice to have an option to hide ones we maxed out.

    You can already do that, hover next to the lowest XP bar in the UI background and a gear should appear. Click on that to make your settings.

  • Quote from Dennis

    1. We already have a cart-compatible elevator and bigger elevators are in the works :)

    First off, my friends and I are loving the game, currently playing 9.0.5, was wondering though, any ETA on the bigger mining Elevators? an Industrial elevator to fit a Skid Steer on would be amazing to get to the deep mines without needing kilometers of ramps to do so. maybe put it at Electric Mechanist Table research level, recipe could be servos, steel gearboxes, steel axels, steel plates, lumber, some corrugated steel sheets and a steam engine. Maybe make it look like one of the old mineshaft elevators with the big steel grate door that slides shut for safety. 5x5x5 size on the platform, 6x7x6 external framing.

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