Hi, since yesterday I tired to play online on some servers of Eco but i encountered some issues.
Only in multiplayer and only on ECO I keep being disconnected from the servers leaving me the "Connection Timed Out" error. I am disconnected every 3 minutes or so.
My internet connection is provided by optical fibre and players having the same internet provider do not have this issue. I am playing on servers in west europe while I play from France.
We checked and the ports 3000 and 3001 are open, I can connect the servers but every 3 minutes or so I get disconnected. (The red disconection logo shows up seconds before)
I attatched two of the logs that came up when I got disconnected. Also I don't know if this will help but my computer is powerful enough and I have no FPS problems.
I have no connection issues on other apps.
Hopefully you can help me out,
Best regards,