Eco Mods will become the new, official SLG Forums!

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  • Dear Community, we have to talk.
    It's finally time for Eco Mods to say goodbye. Well, not really though!

    As many of you know, Eco Mods was created and managed by @mampf and me. We've been working on this website for almost two years now without asking for any funding or considering including ads. And this was and isn't the problem that we're facing now. In the last couple of months, mine and Mampf's priorities however have changed, and unfortunately Eco Mods has become a low-priority one for us. This would've meant that in the future, we wouldn't be as fast as "usual" with keeping our website up to date, working on new features and maintaining the forum as is. However i've reached out to SLG to ask for help.

    We don't want to give up this amazing website and community, but this would've eventually happened over time. So i reached out to @D3nnis3n from SLG to talk about our current situation and asking them to take over the project. And without any problems and within literally minutes, D3nnis3n talked to JohnK and Jeff about it and they agreed!


    What does that mean?
    Eco Mods in it's current state as we all know and love it, will be given over to SLG and they'll add some more sections to turn Eco Mods into their official forums.

    When will this happen?
    The time-frame for this transition will start on January 1st, 2020 and end on January 31st, 2020. So be aware that during this month on a certain day, you may encounter some downtimes. You'll receive a private message once the transition is done.

    I don't want that my Data will be handed over to SLG!
    First of all, passwords are always encrypted! We care about our users and their Data!
    If you still don't want your account to be handed over to SLG: simply delete your account before January 1st, 2020 and your Data will be erased and therefore not handed over.


    This will definitely be the best solution to keep this forum and it's amazing community alive. D3nnis3n from SLG will also say something about it in the post below, make sure to scroll down please.

    Thank you for the awesome time and support from you guys. You really rock!

    Looh and Mampf

  • Hey everyone,
    Looh has already mentioned a lot of stuff, so i only want to add a bit on what will happen after the forums have changed owners.

    For a while, everything will just stay as it is now. Over the course of the time, we'll restructure the forums structure a bit to make the forums a more general ECO forums, while retaining all the modding forums you are having now. The resources database for mods will stay as is and can be used in the future, too. The only thing we're not sure about is if we can actually provide the service of code checking and approval of new mods like the current owners do.

    The forums will get a Single-Sign-On with our accounts database so Eco Players can just easily log into the forums, having the account created for them, linking it with a respective user group and displaying their Eco Tier. Existing users will be given the option to link their accounts with their SLG accounts, but won't be forced to do so.

    As a little goodie everyone that published a mod on this page (and has a account in good standing) until the ownership change will get access to the dev-tier benefits in regards of special forums access and github access. (If they don't already have it) I'm still checking if we can also upgrade your Eco accounts to dev tier.

    We're still investigating if and how we'll take the content of our old NodeBB forums that were meant to be removed without replacement until i heard of Looh into these forums. At the same time we're investigating if we stay with XenForo or change forums software to something that fits the new uses (especially in regards to multi-language) better, while retaining the features modders are used to on this page. I'll have more information on that as soon as i've been able to actually dive into it after January 1.

    Big thanks to Looh and Mampf for creating this community and speaking to me to keep it alive. I'll try to also make sure devs will be around in these forums to answer your questions and probably get the modding aspect of the game a bit higher on priority, though i can't promise this will work out as i hope it to do.

    The change of ownership leads to transferring of these forums to a server in the United States, with United States Law applying to the website in the future. We're taking protection of your data seriously and are respecting your free will in regards to if you want to come over with us. If you don't, as Looh has already mentioned, you can delete your account until the day of the move and no personal data will be transfered.

    Looh and Mampf will stay members here and ever be known, labelled and respected as founders of this community site.


    Community Manager
    Strange Loop Games

    Edited 6 times, last by Dennis (December 1, 2019 at 6:02 AM).

  • First of all, big thanks to @Looh & @mampf for this forum.
    For me, it was the one with the highest quality out of all and a very friendly and helpful community. Also, this is the first time I tried making mods for a game and I really enjoyed it and I will definitely continue this once I have more time!

    All in all, I think it is safe to say that you build something amazing!

    As a little goodie everyone that published a mod on this page (and has a account in good standing) until the ownership change will get access to the dev-tier benefits in regards of special forums access and github access. (If they don't already have it) I'm still checking if we can also upgrade your Eco accounts to dev tier.

    Also since I only got a normal eco tier license I am really excited to get access to the GitHub. I was wondering how this will work?

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