As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
Commands and Configuration
red - Admin command
blue - Developer command
black - User command
/sampletext - Base command
<sampletext> - Needed argument
[sampletext] - Optional argument
- [ICODE]/mythicchat help[/ICODE] - Shows help-page for MythicChat
- [ICODE]/mythicchat reloadconfig[/ICODE] - Reloads the MythicChat config-file
Private Messaging
- [ICODE]/msg <name> <message>[/ICODE] - Sends a private message to another user
- [ICODE]/r <message>[/ICODE] - Answer to the last private message
Chat Channels (Staff-Chat / Local-Chat)
- [ICODE]/l <message>[/ICODE] - Sends a message only users nearby you are able to read
- The radius in which the messages can be read can be defined in [ICODE]config.json[/ICODE]
- [ICODE]/staff <message>[/ICODE] - Sends a message only other Admins and Devs are able to read
[INDENT]Location: [ICODE]Mods/MythicChat/config.json[/ICODE][/INDENT]
- [ICODE]localchat-radius[/ICODE] - The radius in which '/l' messages can be read
- [ICODE]localchat-mask[/ICODE] - Define the layout of local chat messages
- [ICODE]staffchat-mask[/ICODE] - Define the layout of staff chat messages
- [ICODE]msg-to-mask[/ICODE] - Define the layout of private messages from the sender's point of view
- [ICODE]msg-from-mask[/ICODE] - Define the layout of private messages from the recipient's point of view
[INDENT]Copy the [ICODE]MythicChat[/ICODE] folder from the zip-archive into your [ICODE]Mods[/ICODE] folder.[/INDENT]
Disclaimer: This mod is still in a very early development phase. (Also testing a ChatMod as a single player turns out to be a challenge). Therefore, I cannot guarantee that no errors will not occur.
On the other hand, the worst that might happen should be an unsent message or being kicked, so don't be dicouraged from using it anyway
And of course feel free to post bugs and suggestions in the discussion section of this resource.
Version Alpha 0.2.1
Kronox -
March 29, 2018 at 1:40 AM -
6.82 kB -