As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
I had to limit the amout of places I need to update the texts whenever I add or remove commands and update individual modules, sorry!
Laws module
for NidToolbox Light
requries nid-core module available here
* Eco 10 *
NEW - if you would like to have your server logo appear in the notifications area in messages that come from NidToolbox. Please join my Discord and post them in #server-logos channel.
Support is provided as well as suggestions are accepted on my Discord here
Laws module functionality:
- Added new law clauses related to current citizen's professions and skills number (and exposed game stats), to be used instead of the in game bugged one. They expose current number of professions and specializations player has. Currently available vanilla one that is buried under Citizen Statistics counts level up button presses (event based), does not take into account the unlearnt professions/specializations and becomes unreliable very quickly.
- Added new trigger: Food eaten, triggers when specific or any food is eaten by anyone or indicated player.
- Added new law clauses related to Demographics: Demographic having at least set number of members, and Demographic having less than set number of members.
- Added new law clauses related to claimed plots and owned deeds.
- Added Adds new law clauses related to maximum allowed debts, and maximum allowed amount of debt in given currency.
- New law clauses and stats can be used in laws in the top-most IF section, or in any logic comparing block. They expose current, always up to date information.
- Added new game value related to Demographic: Demographic's members - returns the current member of members of the Demographic. Usable in all Logic comparisons.
- Added various food related game values.
- Added various housing related game values.
- Added new game values related to amount on specific bank account in given currency, number of debts of the citizen as well as amount of debt in given currency.
- Added new game value in World category, related to World Time: Server time 12h clock and Server time 24h clock. Usable in all return and logic blocks. It allows returning server time action that happened, rather than currently available world age. When used in comparison it allows checking if something happened before or after set date, as the time is converted to comparable value in the background.
- Law clauses have custom made descriptions that explain what happens as well as pass and reject reasons, that are displayed to player when conditions are met, or when planning the related law in the Law Panel. This will hopefully make drafting stats related laws a bit easier for newbie players.
As any module of NidToolbox set, it requires Eco.Nid.Core module, available in the main forum thread: here
How to install:
- Unpack .zip archive
- Copy Eco.Nid.Laws.dll to Mods\NidToolbox\Modules
Version none
nid -
May 4, 2024 at 12:16 PM -
Main mod page changed
Version 1.10.3
nid -
April 24, 2024 at 8:24 PM -
Added calories value to food consumed action, that is pickable by all law nodes following the action, that accept float value.
Version 1.10.2
nid -
April 8, 2024 at 3:14 PM -
Updates module with the changes brought by Eco 10.2.
Version 1.10.1
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December 27, 2023 at 4:00 PM -
Laws 1.10.1:
Fixes problem when deserialising DemographicsMembers game value with defaults assigned to it.
Version 1.10.0
nid -
December 17, 2023 at 12:56 PM -
Major changes are listed below.
Core module:
* Added required server version checker to prevent running pre-release/newer builds on unsupported server.
* Member class can now be used in hash tables properly.
* Added display version information property to feedback on host operating system. (ie. 22H2 etc).
* Added more detailed information on branch of pre-release used on updater feedback in console.
Clean Server Module:
* Added option to preserve stumps on cleanup.
* Added more detailed breakdown to /debris-report.
* /clear-FallenTrees command now has optional argument to remove stumps, default to false.
* Fixed issue where changing the timer on periodic cleanups would also turn them on.
Chat Tags module:
* ChatTags Config files will now preserve sorting. This is useful for people who use any kind of version control for their configuration files.
* Changed ChatTag to record type and made ChatTag usable in hash tables.
* Logic for commands relating to tags, where they add, remove or modify tag properties has been chaged taking into account changes to ChatTag class.
* Command tag-show has been updated to list members properly when config file contains users from older server saves that no longer exist in the current session.
* Fixed Reputation Title and Title Occupants strings not updating due to changes in tooltips properties.
* Added a way to validate members of the tag in situations where their SlgId or SteamId gets updated or added. Thx MonzUn for reporting!
MOTD module:
* MOTD window changed to new type that has a scroller and does not cut text and has a button.
* Option added in config to add button text.
Rules module:
* Updated AuthProvider to the newest version.
Timed Messages:
* All applicable timers now use PeriodicTimer.
Player Manager module:
* Added commands to manage vehicles.
* Video will be available that shows the usage of new vehicle commands in practice.
* Added new command /player-rl - reloads module configuration from the file and validates it.
* Added new command /car-List - lists player's vehicles. Provides links that copy full, usable commands ready to paste into chat window.
* Added new command /car-TpToUsr - teleports vehicle to player.
* Added new command /car-MyCars - lists only the command issuing player's vehicles.
* Added new command /car-Rez - resurects and teleports player's vehicle to their position. Use ready commands from /car-MyCars. Subject to cooldown if enabled.
* Added new command /car-Cd - shows user's cooldown on /car-Rez command.
* Added new command /car-EnableRez - enables /car-Rez command on server.
* Added new command /car-SetCd - sets /car-Rez command cooldown.
* In next updates I will expand these commands by tp to location, consume calories cost etc.
* Changed command /on to /online as the name colided with newly added command in vanilla server, causing crash on startup.
* Updated all modules to changes in newest Eco 10 release.
Version 1.7.8
nid -
June 26, 2023 at 12:55 AM -
Adds residence value and nutrition multiplier as values usable in Laws and Laws conditions.
Version 1.7.7
nid -
June 17, 2023 at 1:36 PM -
Update to timers and changes made in nid-core 1.7.10.
Updates to code for the upcoming Eco 10.
Requires nid-core 1.7.10.
Version 1.7.6
nid -
February 23, 2023 at 3:17 PM -
Reverted new game values api change as users don't have access to it on release yet.
Version 1.7.5
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February 23, 2023 at 2:39 PM -
Added new law trigger: Food eaten, triggers when specific or any food is eaten by anyone or by indicated player.
Changed or new values to follow new Game Value API, optional now, required as of Eco 10.
Version 1.7.4
nid -
January 19, 2023 at 5:44 PM -
- Added Character Age game value, it exposes the data about world age of the character since its creation in world age time. Units can be chosen: seconds, hours and days.
- Improved return strings from values: Bank account balance, Character Age, Number of Debts and amount in debt per currency, when the value is returned as string in resulting message. Now, it returns a nicely formatted string instead of just the pure value.