As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
This Pack is now Obsolete, Is not Maintained and No support will be given for using this mod
Version 2.3.1
Kye -
August 22, 2021 at 11:24 AM -
Fixed an Issue with Popcorn Crashing the server
Version 2.3.0
Kye -
August 22, 2021 at 8:29 AM -
Patch for 9.4 Before the EM 3.0 Reset Update Release
Version 2.1.3
Kye -
April 15, 2021 at 10:57 AM -
9.3 Patch
Version 2.1.2
Kye -
April 9, 2021 at 12:13 PM -
Fixed a Rare Crash Error in Regards to an Item that should not be obtainable
Version 2.1.1
Kye -
April 6, 2021 at 8:30 AM -
EM Doors v2.1.1
Fixed Door Auth Not working properly
EM Food v2.1.1
Added BU module to Fermenting Barrel and Smokehouse
Changed Urchin Oil Recipe to require Urchins instead of fish
Slight Balances to the Smokehouse foods
EM Windows v2.1.1
Fixed Window Auth Not Working properly
EM HomeObjects v2.1.1
Added Filler icons for catwalks and shelves for the time being
Version 2.1.0
Kye -
March 29, 2021 at 6:52 PM -
Deco Pack Version 2.1.0
EM Arches Version 2.0.1
Fixed a few bugs with the arch displays
Certain arch rotations now use the correct model and rotation variant of the correct model
EM Doors version 2.1.0
Fixed an issue where the doors wouldn't save state on client restart
Most of the Doors have been changed to act like vanilla doors, so you can now place single doors either side and they will open the same way
Added Labor to all the recipes
Fixed a bug where required skill wouldn't show
Fixed an Issue where the doors wouldn't keep their persisted animated state on client restart and server reboot
Great Hall Double Door - You can now use 2 single Great Hall Doors for the same effect
Stained Glass Double Door - You can now use 2 single Stained Glass Double Doors for the same effect
EM Food Version 2.1.0
Now requires EM Framework
Added Stack Size Controller Config for altering the max stack sizes in the food mod
Added Labor to all the recipes
Adjusted some text for localization
Fixed a bug where required skill wouldn't show
EM Home Objects Version 2.1.0
Added new Blocks! Shelf Blocks and Catwalks both only in the hewn log varieties for now ( more to come later if not before i finish this change log and release)
Shelf Blocks have 2 types, Wall and Block, Both will work seamlessly together, Wall shelfs sit perfectly against wall blocks for the best display, Block versions fit better with solid blocks for less clipping
Added Labor to all recipes
Fixed a bug where required skill wouldn't show
Made it so the Lava rug can now be placed under objects, and only affects other rugs instead of decorations
Reduced Values of the Lion Statue and other housing items as to be not so broken
EM Transportation Version 2.1.0
Fixed an issue with the metal barrier not being able to be picked up
Added labor to required recipes
Fixed a bug where required skill wouldn't show
EM Windows Version 2.1.0
Added Labor to all recipes
Fixed a bug where required skill wouldn't show
Fixed Recipes for: Long Metal Sliding Window, Tall Wood sliding Window and Long Wood Sliding Window - Now use correct items and skills to make
Fixed an Issue where the Long and Tall Windows wouldn't keep their persisted animated state on client restart and server reboot
Version 2.0.0
Kye -
February 3, 2021 at 11:02 AM -
EM-Arches V2.0.0:
9.2 Update
- Removed all Arch Doors
- Removed all Arches
- Added Mortared Stone Multi Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Stone Single Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared SandStone Multi Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared SandStone Single Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared LimeStone Multi Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared LimeStone Single Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Granite Multi Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Granite Single Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Basalt Multi Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Basalt Single Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Gniess Multi Arch Blockset
- Added Mortared Gniess Single Arch Blockset
EM-Doors V2.0.0: - Requires em-framework and Artistry
- Removed Auto Doors Component
- Changed Double Wood door to Elegant Double Door
- Added Wood Gate - Large, Medium and Small
- Added Rolling Stone Door
EM-Games V1.0.0:
- Added Carving Table
- Added Chess Pieces - Wood and Stone Variants
EM-HomeObjects V2.0.0: - Requires Artistry
- Added Paintings - 7 new Paintings
- Added Fake Plants - Square type and Round type
- Added Lava Rug
- Added Mailbox
- Added Lion Statue
EM-Windows V2.0.0: - Requires Artistry
- Added Sliding Windows - Long and Tall Variants
EM-Food V2.0.0:
- Changed from Zymology to Food!
- Added Smokehouse
- Added Hare Trap
- Added Deer Trap
- Added Jerky
- Added Meat Pizza
- Added Smoked Bacon
- Added Smoked Vegetable Kabob
- Added Smoked Fish
- Added Smoked Hare Surprise
- Added Smoked Turkey Surprise
- Added Turkey Jerkey
- Added Vegetable Pizza
- Added Vegetable Jerky ?
- Added Popcorn
- Added Caramel Popcorn
EM-Transportation V2.0.0: - Requires Artistry
- Removed Road Lines - no longer needed but kept the arrows